What Top 20 Foods Benefit Health The Most?

What top 20 foods benefit health the most? Fortunately, healthy choices are available; it just takes a little extra effort and discipline. Here's a hint though - you're not likely to find these top 20 foods at a drive-thru. Learn more.

The Question:

With high rates of obesity and soaring success of fast food restaurants, one must keep a check on the foods they consume. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, one must follow a healthy diet plan.

What top 20 foods benefit health the most?

What are 5 foods that one may be lead to believe are healthy, but actually are not?

Are we actually losing some of the nutritional values that were once in our foods?

Bonus Question: How can one balance the healthy foods with their not-so-healthy urges to still maintain a healthy diet?

Show off your knowledge to the world!

The Winners:


        1st place - 75 in store credit.

        2nd place - 50 in store credit.

      3rd place - 25 in store credit.

1st Place - soundcheck129
View This Author's BodySpace Here.

With high rates of obesity and soaring success of fast food restaurants, one must keep a check on the foods they consume. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, one must follow a healthy diet plan.

Despite the fact that we live in a society with easy access to the highest level of nutritional knowledge at any point in history, the world has incredibly poor eating habits. Of course, society isn't helping, with mammoth-sized portions everywhere and diet destroyers lurking in the most innocuous places.

An iced coffee with 50 grams of sugar? No thanks. It's enough to make one want to live off in the wilderness. Fortunately, healthy choices are available; it just takes a little extra effort and discipline to find them. Here's a hint though - you're not likely to find these top 20 foods at a drive-thru near you.

It's Enough To Make One Want To Live Off In The Wilderness.
+ Click To Enlarge.
It's Enough To Make One Want
To Live Off In The Wilderness.

What Top 20 Foods Benefit Health The Most?

There is a nearly endless amount of healthy foods, so picking the absolute best can be a tough task. What I've done is compiled a list of very healthy choices packed with vitamins and minerals, but delicious flavor as well. Because after all, it doesn't really matter how healthy something is if you can't bear to eat it. Choosing to be as health-conscious as possible is a lifestyle, which means that you have to be able to LIVE a little - don't forget that.

1. Yams



      a day may keep the doctor away, but I find


      to be much more delicious, and these cousins of

sweet potatoes

      are also more versatile. In addition, one cup of yams packs nearly 30% of your RDA of

Vitamin C





      , as well as more than 20% of your daily


      and 15% of

Vitamin B6

      . And all that comes in a tasty, 160-calorie serving.

2. Avocados

      The lean, green, cholesterol-fighting machine.


      are rich and creamy and compliment nearly any dish. And while they are high in


      , it's nothing to be afraid of, as it is largely monounsaturated, and helps lower cholesterol as well as promote better absorption of nutrients from other foods.

The Lean, Green, Cholesterol-Fighting Machine.
+ Click To Enlarge.
The Lean, Green, Cholesterol-Fighting Machine.

      Avocados also contain


      , which regulates

blood pressure

      and protects against strokes and heart attacks. Amazingly, scientific studies also indicated that Avocados can help prevent

oral and prostate cancer



3. Apricots

      This orange-colored fruit packs plenty of

Vitamin A


Vitamin C

      , as well as




      . The beta carotene in


      boosts eye health and prevents damage from free radicals. The


      in apricots would make them worth eating even if they weren't as delicious as they are.

4. Crab

      No offense to


      , but I think


      should be "the other white meat." Crab is ridiculously low in fat and also provides

Vitamin B12



      , which help your

immune system

      fight off


      . Crab is also high in


      , which has a high thermic effect and is essential for building muscle.

5. Almonds

      Another fatty favorite,


      are very versatile and are high in


      . But that's not all. In addition to the brain-boosting unsaturated fats, almonds contain nearly half of the RDA for

Vitamin E



      , about one quarter of the RDA for Manganese and Tryptophan and 20% of the RDA for
      and Phosphorus. In addition, almonds are loaded with protein and are easily portable.

6. Spinach

      There's a reason


      ate this stuff.


      is practically the equivalent of a


      , with a 40-calorie serving packing an absurd amount of

Vitamin K


Vitamin C


Vitamin E







      , and


      . This leafy plant is also full of



B Vitamins




Omega-3 fatty acids



      I also like it because it is readily available year-round, canned, frozen and fresh.

7. Pinto Beans

      Ah, the magical fruit -


      . In addition to providing protein,

pinto beans

      are filled with






      , copper and

Vitamin B1

      . Pintos compliment every type of cuisine and are very inexpensive, which is another very important consideration. Pintos are a great source of complex


      and contain folate, which fights birth defects and

heart disease


Pintos Compliment Every Type Of Cuisine And Are Very Inexpensive.
+ Click To Enlarge.
Pintos Compliment Every Type Of
Cuisine And Are Very Inexpensive.

8. Eggs

      The incredible, edible


      , egg-celent, etc. There's a reason so many lame puns have been made with the name of this food - it's a nutritional powerhouse. Packing just the right amount of


      , unsaturated fat, and saturated fat for

testosterone boosting

      , eggs have it all. Additionally, eggs are chock-full of

B Vitamins




Vitamin D

      . Pretty egg-straordinary.

9. Garlic

      This is another incredibly versatile food, as it can be used to flavor pretty much anything.


      also can

lower cholesterol


blood pressure

      , and risk of certain types of


    What's more, garlic has

B Vitamins


Vitamin C

      as well as heaps of


      . Garlic is also touted as a natural antibiotic, antioxidant and even a tool for prevention of the common cold!


      You know something is good when people not only eat it but supplement it.

10. Tomato

      There's a lot of debate over whether this is a fruit or vegetable, but does it really matter? All you need to know is that tomatoes are incredibly healthy. Tomatoes are a great source of the antioxidant lycopene, which is protective against certain cancers and heart disease. That's only the beginning though, because tomatoes have very high concentrations of

Vitamin A


Vitamin C


Vitamin K

      , as well as potassium and fiber.

11. Salmon

      Nothing fishy about this one.


      is delicious, packed with


      and contains much lower levels of mercury than the bodybuilder's best friend,


      . Salmon is easy to cook and is available frozen, fresh and canned year round. Salmon is also loaded with unsaturated fat to boost the immune and cardiovascular systems.

This fish is very high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which cannot be made by the body and are found in few other foods. In addition, Salmon is loaded with Vitamin D and B vitamins, niacin and magnesium.

12. Broccoli

      This is a very tasty vegetable, and it packs an incredible amount of nutrition in a very small serving. Think I'm exaggerating? Consider this - 43 calories worth of broccoli has more than double the RDA for

Vitamin C

      , nearly twice the RDA for

Vitamin K

      , and a ton of fiber,

B vitamins

      , potassium and iron, as well as a decent amount of protein. Forget V-8, grab some broccoli instead. This is incredibly easy to cook and a great side dish for just about anything.

Broccoli Packs An Incredible Amount Of Nutrition In A Very Small Serving.
+ Click To Enlarge.
Broccoli Packs An Incredible Amount
Of Nutrition In A Very Small Serving.

13. Soybeans


      often gets a bad rap because a lot of people are afraid it will have detrimental affects on men. However, soybeans actually have some great benefits - a recent study specifically in men found that

soy protein



      significantly and "would be effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease" for men.


As if that wasn't enough of an endorsement, soybeans are very high in fiber, protein, iron, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin K and Vitamin B12, magnesium and copper.

Soy VS Whey Protein.
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Soy VS Whey Protein.
By doing some research, I have found that soy protein often times has less calories and cholesterol than a whey. Now, I am trying to intake protein, while keep the calories and fat down, as I am trying to lose some weight, while building lean muscle.
Started By:

14. Yogurt

      Be careful with this one. When I say


      , I don't mean the stuff pumped full of high fructose corn syrup and other sweeteners. Natural yogurt is rich in




      , and provides a slow-digesting protein in addition to


      and probiotics, which improve digestion.

Studies have also shown yogurt to lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol, improve immune response, and even boost fat loss!5 It's also incredibly versatile, and can be used as a snack, dessert, a filling for baked treats and even a main ingredient in creamy sauces. Try some Greek yogurt for a twist and some extra protein.

15. Figs

      Just another reason to love Fig Newtons. You may not think of figs as healthy, if you think of them at all, but they have an abundance of benefits.


      are filled with




      , as well as

Vitamin B6

      , which is linked to the production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter linked to happiness. Figs also lower blood pressure, protect against breast cancer and


      , promote bone density and reduce water retention.


Just Another Reason To Love Fig Newtons.
+ Click To Enlarge.
Just Another Reason To Love Fig Newtons.

16. Kiwifruit

      This fuzzy fruit is fun to eat - slice it open down the center and then scoop it out of each side. It's so tasty that you may forget about its benefits, but I won't -


      packs more

Vitamin C

      per serving than oranges in addition to

Vitamin E








This green fruit also is a great source of antioxidants and protects against colon cancer, macular degeneration, asthma and blood clots. Additionally, it keeps blood sugar levels stable and protects DNA in your body's cells.7

17. Lentils

      I first gained an appreciation for


      when I had them in Indian food, but they can be used in any cuisine, mixed in rice, soup, or on their own. They are an excellent source of



complex carbohydrates

      , a ton of




      , and


      , which may inhibit breast cancer.


      Lentils also promote heart health, stabilize blood sugar, and are an excellent source of iron.

18. Quinoa

      How healthy is


      ? So healthy that the underappreciated and somewhat rare seed was once known as the "gold of the Incas." Quinoa is an excellent substitute for grains for those on gluten-free diets, but it is much more than that. High in protein, iron, riboflavin and magnesium, quinoa has many benefits. A few of them are: protection against migraines, hypertension, breast cancer, gallstones, asthma, heart disease and diabetes (9).

Any Of You Guys Eat Quinoa?
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Any Of You Guys Eat Quinoa?
I know it is supposed to be some kind of "super" grain and is a great source of fiber, protein, etc. but what I really want to know is how good does it taste?
Started By:

19. Cinnamon

      This bark is so easy to use and compliments so many food, it's almost unacceptable not to use it everyday.

Ground cinnamon

      is incredibly low in calories, yet still has an incredible amount of benefits.

Studies have shown that cinnamon can control blood sugar, prevent blood clotting and the growth of microbial fungi, improve colon health and prevent heart disease. It also contains iron, calcium and fiber, and one study showed that the mere scent of cinnamon boosted brain activity.10

20. Acai Berry

      If you've been anywhere near the fitness community lately, you'll know that


      is everywhere right now. However, I was hesitant to add it to my list because so many of its claims have not yet been scientifically confirmed.
      The benefits are pretty amazing though, so I couldn't justify leaving it out. Acai is powerful stuff, with


      , unsaturated fats,


      and an incredible amount of


      . It is also lauded for its detoxification abilities and improving skin tone,

heart health




sexual performance

      and digestion. Additionally, Acai has valuable

amino acids

      and is supposed to increase energy levels.


What Are 5 Foods That One May Believe Are Healthy, But Actually Are Not?

Even if one is trying to be health-conscious, it can be difficult to make the right choices. There are plenty of healthy-posers out there, and a lot of manufacturers try to market their products as healthy even though they are far from it. Be careful, here are some to avoid.

1. Granola/Granola Bars

      These are often marketed as earthy, a natural and convenient snack that is healthy, made primarily of


      . The only problem is the added ingredients - things like

chocolate chips

      , sugar coating and the high-fructose corn syrup used to hold them together.

These Are Often Marketed As A Natural And Convenient Snack That Is Healthy.
+ Click To Enlarge.
These Are Often Marketed As A Natural
And Convenient Snack That Is Healthy.

      Even "high protein" granola bars only contain about 5 grams of


      , which isn't much when weighed against the

simple carbohydrates

      and other unhealthy elements.

2. Iced Tea/Vitamin Water

      Just because an athlete endorses something, it isn't necessarily healthy. Case in point: Vitamin Water. While this product does contain


      , it is also loaded with


      , often containing as much as a regular soda, and we all know how healthy that is.

The same goes for iced teas, such as Snapple. While tea leaves do have benefits, they are dwarfed by the insane amount of added sugar. Something like "Mango Madness" sounds like it may be the equivalent of a V-8, but it's not... and it truly is madness.

3. Frozen Yogurt

      Don't get me wrong, I love

frozen yogurt

      , but I realize that it is dessert. While it may be marketed as a healthy ice cream alternative, it's essentially the same thing. Don't think for a second that Mint Chocolate Chip frozen yogurt is better than Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

Although the frozen yogurt is probably lower in fat, it still contains a boatload of sugar, usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup, and may contain partially-hydrogenated oils, the euphemism for trans fat. It looks like ice cream, it tastes like ice cream... it's gotta be the nutritional equivalent of ice cream.

4. Caeser Salad

      There isn't much dispute about this:


      are usually the healthiest option around. Except, of course, when it's a Caesar Salad. It does contain greens, but it's also covered in fatty, oily dressing, a variety of cheeses and croutons (also known as stale bread).

Salads Are Usually The Healthiest Option Around.
+ Click To Enlarge.
Salads Are Usually The
Healthiest Option Around.

      This is one of the few salads that routinely contains more calories and fat grams than most entrees on the menu. And to think a lot of dieters may have this just as a first course? Hopefully they'll know to skip the frozen yogurt for dessert.

5. Muffins

      You may wonder what's wrong with


      . After all, they're not cupcakes, right? That's right, but that's about all you can say about them that's positive. The first issue is that these are massive, definitely more of a meal than a snack.
      Here's a shocker... try grabbing a Pumpkin Muffin from Panera. Seems like a healthy enough choice, right? Wrong. The muffin clocks in at 530


      , with 20 grams of


      , 82 grams of


      (47 of which are sugar), and only 6 grams of




      Not exactly a great way to start the day. Worse, a lot of muffins contain HFCS and shortening or partially-hydrogenated oils. Muffins are tricky - they hide behind fruity flavors and healthy assumptions before pounding you with sugar and trans fat.

What To Watch Out For

      If you feel that a food that's being marketed as healthy may not be, keep a few facts in mind:

      • "Low Fat" doesn't mean healthy. A lot of times, the flavor from fat is replaced by a lot of simple sugars, which doesn't make it any healthier.

      • Trans Fat is sneaky. Just because something says it has "0g Trans Fat per serving," it could still contain Trans Fat due to a loophole in labeling laws - any amount under .5g is legally allowed to be listed as 0, and if you're using more than one serving, then you may be getting a heaping of Trans Fat.

        Your best bet is to check the ingredient list; if it contains any of these terms, it has Trans Fat: shortening, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or hydrogenated vegetable oil, trans fatty acids.

      • Sugar also hides behind other names. If an ingredient list contains any of these terms, it can be read as sugar: high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, rice syrup, dextrose, crystalline fructose.

      • If something appears too good to be true, it probably is. Always use common sense.

If It Appears Too Good To Be True, It Probably Is.
+ Click To Enlarge.
If It Appears Too Good To
Be True, It Probably Is.

Are We Losing Some Of The Nutritional Values That Were Once In Our Foods?

Sadly, we are losing some of the nutritional values that used to be in our foods. Technology is great, but sometimes it can rob nutrients from food. For example, microwaving cauliflower can cause it to lose up to half of its antioxidant value! Similarly, pressure cooking and boiling can drastically decrease antioxidant levels.13 Canned vegetables also contain fewer nutrients than fresh.

Also, modern farming techniques, including the use of fertilizer, using less than optimum soil and not rotating crops properly can lead to nutrient and even flavor loss. For this reason, try to pick organically grown produce, which tends to be more nutritious.14

Not Rotating Crops Properly Can Lead To Nutrient And Even Flavor Loss.
+ Click To Enlarge.
Not Rotating Crops Properly Can Lead
To Nutrient And Even Flavor Loss.

Lastly, modern society has trained people to indulge, and instant-gratification, fast food restaurants tend to be far less healthy, and products everywhere focus on taste first and nutrition second.

How Can One Balance The Healthy And Unhealthy To Maintain A Healthy Diet?

Despite what you may think, healthy eating habits don't have to be an all-or-nothing situation. You can still indulge in your favorite, tasty dishes without worry that you will jeopardize your health unnecessarily. As long as you practice moderation, you should be fine.

The ultimate factor that determines weight gain and loss is whether you are in a caloric deficit or surplus. What this means is that no particular food will cause you to gain fat just because you ate it. But if it pushes you into a caloric surplus for the day, you will gain weight.

One thing that is very helpful in balancing urges is to make things yourself. This way, you know exactly what is going into your food and you can control the portion sizes. It is pretty easy to make sensible substitutions to make your favorites more healthy. Some of them are:

    • Substitute two egg whites for every yolk
    • Substitute applesauce for oil in baking recipes
    • Substitute a sugar-free sweetener for sugar if you are cutting calories
    • Substitute protein powder for some of the flour in recipes to add a boost of protein
    • Substitute whole wheat bread and pasta for white bread and pasta
    • Substitute chicken broth or oil spray for oil when sautéing
    • Substitute cinnamon for cinnamon sugar

There are also 100-calorie packs available for just about every snack. Portion control is key - you can create your own 100 (or whatever) calorie packs by breaking a bulk size container into smaller portions using plastic bags.

One last thing - don't deprive yourself of something just because it isn't necessarily the most nutritious. If you are leading an active lifestyle, the damage will be minimal. And trying to avoid something that you absolutely love may lead you to binge later on. Enjoy in moderation.


2nd Place - mrkdrt
View This Author's BodySpace Here.

With high rates of obesity and soaring success of fast food restaurants, one must keep a check on the foods they consume. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, one must follow a healthy diet plan.

Sometimes it's hard to eat know what foods to eat, why to eat them, and which "healthy" foods to avoid. But with the following healthy food option tips, we can make better, informed meal choices, for a healthier lifestyle.

What Top 20 Foods Benefit Health The Most?

I made my top healthiest food choices list based on certain criteria. Not only would these criteria be important to my personal goals, but almost any fitness goal, or simply to eat healthier.

For most foods I chose, nutrient density was a big concern. Sure a food can have great benefit, but if I have to eat 500 Calories of it to gain the nutrients, it defeats the purpose of a balanced diet!

Major concerns when choosing carbohydrate sources included its level on the GI scale and its fiber content. This way I can maintain healthy blood glucose levels, and have sustained energy.

I'm going to try to organize my healthy food choices into macronutrient groups, in no particular order of "healthiness":


Brown Rice

        Including the outer husk of


        , this grain is great to meet your "staples" category. Complex carbohydrates ensure you don't drastically spike your insulin, and keep you energized longer.

This Grain Is Great To Meet Your 'Staples' Category.
+ Click To Enlarge.
This Grain Is Great To
Meet Your 'Staples' Category.


        Sure, some people may shiver at the thought of plain


        in the morning, but you'll end up doing your body real good. A good source of complex (low GI) carbohydrates and nutrient dense, it's a great start of your day, or anytime!


        After hearing how good


        is for my body, I stopped spitting it discretely into my dinner napkin. The health benefits are endless - including


        properties! A fantastic fibrous green vegetable that can be added to nearly any meal!


        This low GI fruit is full of nutrients -






        also contains naringin, which can help sustain the effect of





        are rich in


        that can help prevent SEVERAL health disorders. Not only do they taste great, they actually are beneficial in fat loss programs (in combination with high fat diets).

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes

        are a delicious source of

complex carbohydrates

        and valuable vitamins and minerals. Similar to carrots, they contain beta-carotene, great for your eyes!

Potato Or Sweet Potato?
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Potato Or Sweet Potato?
I eat regular potato but I heard its bad comparing to the sweet one. What you guys think?
Started By:


        Incredibly packed full of nutrients in the form of




        (lots if iron) and




        is a great choice for your greens.




colorful fish

        is a super healthy food option. It's high in



omega-3 fatty acids

        , perfect for fitness or a healthy lifestyle!

This Colorful Fish Is A Super Healthy Food Option.
+ Click To Enlarge.
This Colorful Fish Is
A Super Healthy Food Option.

Albacore Tuna

        This fish is often found in cans, or packets. Sure a fresh fish can't be beat, but you can't beat the convenience of ready-to-eat


        . This tuna still packs high complete protein and is easy to flavor for any palate.

Chicken Breast

Chicken breast

        is a great complete protein source, tastes great, and is low in saturated fats. Chicken also contains some vitamins and minerals - bonus!



        are basically pure protein in the sense that nearly all


        are from the protein, having almost no




        . Some people may avoid shrimp due to their "high cholesterol" content, but not to worry. In my opinion, it is saturated fats and not dietary cholesterol that increase cholesterol in your body. So eat up, they ARE healthy!

Low-Fat Milk



        that's low fat (1% or skimmed). Dairy can have a bad reputation, but its great for a protein choice. Hey, our mothers made us drink milk for a reason! Rich in


        - important for all ages.



        comes with all the benefits of milk, PLUS active bacteria perfect for your gastrointestinal tract. This not only keeps you healthier, but also can improve your body's absorption of the nutrients from the foods you eat! Be sure to choose a yogurt with low fats and sugars.

Egg Whites

Egg whites

        pack a good amount of complete


        while still enjoying low


        . Basically no fat, and cholesterol and carbohydrate-free, egg whites are a pure and healthy choice for protein.

Cottage Cheese

        Low in fats, and a phenomenal source of

casein protein

        - to keep a positive nitrogen balance in a longer period -

cottage cheese

        is the bomb.


        I may catch heat for this one, but in my opinion


        is a healthy option for a complete protein source. It is also full of healthy vitamins and isoflavones - and great for the prostate (you guys).
        Oh the evils people warn! As many studies as I've read on soy, positive and negative, it seems soy does not have the extreme estrogenic effect, nor the thyroid suppression some would like to think. But overall, soy is a healthy food option.



        Easy to eat on the go and dense in




        - these

tasty nuts

        are also a good source of protein and contain mainly unsaturated fats!

Natural Peanut Butter

        This favorite of mine can also be put under protein source, as it has quite a bit. But healthy fats are strong in natural peanut butter, and who doesn't love the taste of peanut butter? (No offense to those allergic)

All Natural - Sugar Free - Peanut Butter.
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All Natural - Sugar Free - Peanut Butter.
What kind should I look at buying? Is there somewhere online I can order it, and what is the lifespan on it (how long before it expires)?
Started By:


        This fruit is full of monounsaturated fats, insoluble and soluble


        and important vitamins and minerals. Surprisingly,


        pack in even more




        ! And even better - they tastes amazing in any application.

Olive Oil

        Rich in healthy unsaturated fats (keeps HDL high),

olive oil

        is great for meals - and your heart. Add it to your meals, or have a few teaspoons straight up! See it is a food! Your heart will be happy!

What Are 5 Foods That One May Believe Are Healthy, But Actually Are Not?

Instant Oats

      While these small packets may have you thinking you're having a healthy


      low in calories, really the label speaks for itself. The flavoring not only includes artificial flavors, but is also very high in sugar - not the optimal carbohydrates you'd want.

Fruit Juice Beverages

      These beverages are laden with added


      . Avoid these as the high amounts of simple sugars will cause a big spike in your


      - which can lead to excess fat storage!

These Beverages Are Laden With Added Sugars.
+ Click To Enlarge.
These Beverages Are
Laden With Added Sugars.

Instant Rice


      is healthy, isn't it? These quick rices, especially flavored, are convenient, but not so healthy. High GI and often include artificial flavors and coloring. And yes, some nutrients of the initial rice are lost in these products also.

Breakfast Cereals

      Ok, that may seem harsh. In truth, there are some healthy cereal choices. But hey, who thinks

Corn Flakes


Rice Krispies



      are healthy? The commercials say so, right? Well in fact, these cereals (while may have some health benefit) are above 70 on the glycemic index - another insulin spiking, sugar-crash having food option.

Cheerios As An Alternative To Oatmeal?
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Cheerios As An Alternative To Oatmeal?
Are Cheerios a viable alternative to oatmeal? I am getting so sick of oatmeal. I have tried it every which way and have just gotten so sick of it. Can I substitute Cheerios?
Started By:


      Hey, they come in multigrain and whole wheat - that's good, no? Bagels are crammed full of carbohydrates, so dense, the calories are quite high for one measly bagel. One bagel can easily through off your meal plan's balance and your macros. Also, be sure when you choose whole wheat breads, you are getting whole wheat, and not just bread colored with brown sugar (yes, it happens).

Are We Losing Some Of The Nutritional Values That Were Once In Our Foods?

In my opinion, organic meat and produce do enjoy more nutrition than their mass-farmed counterparts. These are the foods that most often find their way into our meals.

A way to tackle this issue is to buy from local farmer's markets - you can take home fresh and nutritious produce, without the steep rates organic food stores would have you pay. Win, win. Also when buying meat products, ask the monger or consult the label to ensure the animals are fed with actual food, and not just scraps and junk.

Ensure The Animals Are Fed With Actual Food.
+ Click To Enlarge.
Ensure The Animals Are
Fed With Actual Food.

How Can One Balance The Healthy And Unhealthy To Maintain A Healthy Diet?

The best way I put this is try your best. Let's face it, especially if you're eating strictly healthy foods, your urges for some "cheat foods" can sometimes be overwhelming. In my opinion, unless you're pre-competition, you can afford a cheat meal now or then.

Sure you may succumb to temptation of cheat foods once in a while, but get over it, and get back on the health wagon! Just try not to go overboard. Try not to look forward to your cheat meal, or expect it - eat as best you can until you feel you need to cheat. Sometimes, you may lose the cravings and last longer without cheat foods than you think!

3rd Place - History in Effect
View This Author's BodySpace Here.

Stay Away From Obesity And Stay In Shape

With high rates of obesity and soaring success of fast food restaurants, one must keep a check on the foods they consume. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, one must follow a healthy diet plan. Nutrition is the also of importance when you are training in the gym.

The proper foods give your body energy and help in building stronger muscles. These foods will include protein, carbs, and fat sources. This plan that follows will target not just the average person, but also bikini, fitness, figure, and bodybuilders alike. It is time for History in Effect to weigh in and offer detailed info!

What Top 20 Foods Benefit Health The Most?

1. Tuna


      an amazing protein source and make sure you get the kind that is mercury-free to be extra safe. You can get 20gm of protein in just 4oz and its cheap. You might as well include fish in general. Fish helps protect your heart and you see that in the sales of

fish oil

      and numerous studies.

2. Skinless Chicken Breast

      I love eating


      from fast-food places, but I don't eat that much of it. Chicken without skin is much healthier for your body and is so tasty.

3. Egg Whites

      I'm not talking about the


      inside of the egg, but the clear liquid part of it. No, I'm not hating on eating whole eggs (3 or less a day), but I am saying that

egg whites

      are much healthier. I can make an egg salad or sandwich. Eggs contains

Vitamin B-12

      which your body needs to break down fat.

I'm Not Hating On Whole Eggs, But Egg Whites Are Much Healthier.
+ Click To Enlarge.
I'm Not Hating On Whole Eggs,
But Egg Whites Are Much Healthier.

4. Yogurt

      First of all I love


      , not just because of


      , but because it is so healthy for you. It contains bacterias that help your digestion. I also saw in a Men's Health article on how yogurt contains


      which is gaining fat for helping to keep off the fat.

5. Spinach

      First off its a green leafy vegetable which means it is filled with iron and helps with digestion in the body. You can use spinach in a salad or even cook it. I don't like


      cooked, but I know its healthy. Spinach has


      which is related to your eyesight, so why not enjoy spinach.

6. Oats

      I am not talking about flavored oatmeal, but I am talking about raw


      . Oats prevents you from being constipated due to the high


      content and also can be used on the skin. I know some of you remembering people taking oat baths to keep their skin soft.

7. Broccoli

      I used to hate


      , but now I love it. It keeps your bones strong and keeps your eyesight strong.

8. Almonds


      are an amazing source of good fat that contains

Vitamin E

      which is known to prevent free radicals from wreaking havoc after an amazing workout.

Almonds Are An Amazing Source Of Good Fat.
+ Click To Enlarge.
Almonds Are An Amazing
Source Of Good Fat.

9. Natural Peanut Butter

      I'm not talking about the amazing Skippy or Peter Pan which I enjoy on certain occasions, but the healthy natty kind.

Natural peanut butter

      contains healthy monounsaturated fat which have





10. Prunes

      I hate


      with a passion, but adding these into your meals will make sure you use the bathroom in no time. You won't be constipated again with prunes or for that fact, plums.

11. Potatoes

      No, not those homemade French fries or Lays chips. I'm talking about sweet potatoes (or yams because nobody knows the difference... LOL!) and white potatoes. They combine an abundance of nutrients like iron and vitamin A.

12. Mushrooms

      I have eaten mushrooms only in spaghetti because of my dislike of them. "This fungi's metabolites - by-products created when mushrooms are broken down during digestion - have been shown to boost immunity and prevent cancer growth, report researchers in the Netherlands." (http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/he...oods/index.php)

13. Salmon

      I love salmon because it contains omega-3s to protect you from damage after training or if you get injured.

14. Banana

      Athletes know what I am talking about. Bananas contains a lot of carbs, but also have potassium. There are times on the court when your cramp up. The banana helps to replace some of the lost nutrients you experience. It is a lot cheaper than Gatorade or Powerade.

15. Canned Beans

      Kidney beans are so amazing and packed with nutrients keeping you constipated-free and keeping cholesterol at bay.

16. Quinoa

      What are you talking about... well let me inform you that quinoa contains fiber and more than 10 grams of protein in just half a cup. They have a nutty taste to them.

17. Tomatoes

      They contains lycopene which protects your prostrate from getting cancer. Prostrate cancer is a big thing and you should put tomatoes into your arsenal to combat it.

18. Turkey

      Get it lean and you will reap the rewards. It contains protein and can be prepared in a variety of ways.

19. Citrus Fruit

      These includes oranges, tangerines, and nectarines which all contains adequate amounts of Vitamin A and C.

20. Skim Milk Or 1% Milk

      Milk is amazing in anything from cereal to cakes. Calcium keeps your bones strong to prevent bone cancer.

What Are 5 Foods That One May Believe Are Healthy, But Actually Are Not?

1. Granola Bars

      They contains high fructose corn syrup; aka: death in a bottle. The oats might be nutritious, but its slathered in HFCS.

2. Anything Fat-Free

      They are usually highly processed food and they enter your blood fast getting your insulin level to rise which increases fat storage.

3. Dried Fruits

      I love dried bananas but they appear to be much healthier and nutritious. Well, after actually looking at the lable... They contain too much sugar. Also, I can go through plenty of bags of them and still be hungry.

4. Fruit Smoothies

      These are healthy because you just mix fruits together with some ice and voila... healthy... not! They have lots of sugar and those dreaded HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) wreaks havoc again.

5. Diet... Stop It... Soda

      Add in those artificial colors and everything not natural. Also, I find it a lot easier to drink more diet soda than regular.

Are We Losing Some Of The Nutritional Values That Were Once In Our Foods?

No, I just feel sometimes the labeling can be deceiving. We are making advances in the nutrition industry, but a lot of people are marketing their products in deceiving ways.

Right now, the focus is on organic product and people just smack organic on their label because they barely pass the organic standard. I am tired and sick of people trying to make a profit without having any respect or concern for the consumer. There is nothing wrong with making a profit, but I would like to see quality standards followed too.

How Can One Balance The Healthy And Unhealthy To Maintain A Healthy Diet?

I been saying this for so long that it's a record playing over and over. Put a cheat meal into your week so you can enjoy your favorite foods. Schedule it in advance and you will be fine. This will keep you motivated at the end of the week or whenever you put it in your schedule to go on. Moderation is the key - just because I said almonds are good doesn't mean you need to eat the whole bag.