Reverse-grip hands-elevated push-up

The reverse-grip hands-elevated push-up is a bodyweight exercise performed on a Smith machine or other elevated surface. It targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. It can work as a regression of floor reverse-grip push-ups, or in a progressive mechanical dropset moving the bar up once you reach failure at a lower height.


  1. The reverse grip targets the upper chest and triceps
  2. Height can be adjusted to match ability level or desired rep range
  3. Works well with burnouts or mechanical dropsets
  4. Can add a weight vest for extra difficulty

Reverse-grip hands-elevated push-up Images


Reverse-grip hands-elevated push-up Instructions

Reverse-grip hands-elevated push-up muscle diagram
  1. Stand facing a Smith machine bar or sturdy elevated platform at an appropriate height.
  2. Place your hands on the bar palms up, with your hands about shoulder width apart.
  3. Position your feet back from the bar with arms and body straight. This will be your starting position.
  4. Keeping your body straight, lower your chest to the bar by bending the arms.
  5. Return to the starting position by extending the elbows, pressing yourself back up.