Clock push-up

The clock push-up is a series of regular push-ups performed one at a time, moving your hands one step to the side between each one until you've completed a full circle. It targets the same muscles as traditional push-ups, such as the chest, triceps, and shoulders, but adds an endurance and core challenge to traditional push-ups.


  1. Strengthens the chest, triceps, shoulders, and abdominals
  2. Increases core strength and hip stability
  3. Engages lower-body muscles to maintain plank position

Clock push-up Images


Clock push-up Instructions

Clock push-up muscle diagram
  1. Move into a prone position on the floor, supporting your weight on your hands and toes.
  2. Your arms should be fully extended with the hands around shoulder width. Keep your body straight throughout the movement. This will be your starting position.
  3. Descend by flexing at the elbow, lowering your chest toward the ground.
  4. At the bottom, reverse the motion by pushing yourself up through elbow extension as quickly as possible until you are air borne. Aim to “jump” 12-18 inches to one side.
  5. As you accelerate up, move your outside foot away from your direction of travel. Leaving the ground, shift your body about 30 degrees for the next repetition.
  6. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise, working all the way around until you are back where you started.