Cable rope hammer curl

The cable rope hammer curl is a popular arm-focused exercise performed with a rope handle attached by a cable to a weight stack. It uses a neutral (palms facing one another) grip, which targets the forearms and brachialis muscles in addition to the biceps. Because grip is a limitation, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.


  1. Works the biceps, forearms, brachialis, and brachioradialis
  2. Neutral grip may take pressure off of the wrists and elbows
  3. Cable allows for continuous tension throughout each rep

Cable rope hammer curl Images


Cable rope hammer curl Instructions

Cable rope hammer curl muscle diagram
  1. Attach a rope attachment to a low pulley and stand facing the machine about 12 inches away from it.
  2. Grasp the rope with a neutral (palms-in) grip and stand straight up keeping the natural arch of the back and your torso stationary.
  3. Put your elbows in by your side and keep them there stationary during the entire movement. Tip: Only the forearms should move; not your upper arms. This will be your starting position.
  4. Using your biceps, pull your arms up as you exhale until your biceps touch your forearms. Tip: Remember to keep the elbows in and your upper arms stationary.
  5. After a 1 second contraction where you squeeze your biceps, slowly start to bring the weight back to the original position.
  6. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Variations: You can perform this exercise with dumbbells.