Barbell reverse lunge

The barbell reverse lunge is a popular lower-body exercise targeting the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Using a barbell allows you to overload the exercise beyond body weight and perform the movement in strength or muscle-focused rep ranges. The reverse lunge can be performed as part of a barbell complex, in a circuit, or on its own in the lower-body portion of any workout.


  1. Serious challenge to all lower-body muscles
  2. Many lifters find it more knee-friendly than forward or walking lunges
  3. The stationary front leg helps maintain balance
  4. Great accessory movement for squats

Barbell reverse lunge Images


Barbell reverse lunge Instructions

Barbell reverse lunge muscle diagram
  1. Position a weighted bar across your upper back holding the ends with your hands to keep it stable. Alternately, you can do this in a squat rack to more easily get into the starting position. Stand erect with your chest out and your shoulders back, maintaining the natural curve in your back and knees unlocked. Your feet should be about hip width apart. This is your starting position.
  2. Staying erect, initiate the movement by stepping back with one foot about 2 feet, keeping your hips facing forward as the toe of your back foot makes contact first. Then allow both knees to bend and descend just short of allowing your trailing knee to touch the floor.
  3. Your body should continue to be upright. Don't lean forward or allow you back to round. Press back up by pushing through your back foot maintaining balance as you return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat on the opposite side, and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.