Bryan Kenny


I started bodybuilding because my self-esteem was as low as it could possibly be through most of elementary school I was made fun of, and got the crap kicked out of me because of my weight. As soon as I got into high school I joined the football team and at first it wasn't so bad, but I found myself lagging behind and I couldn't keep up, I was way out of shape. So I quit football just in time for wrestling, I knew I could do that, because I have wrestled since grade 7. In August 2000 I began my training, at that time my workouts consisted mostly of running, jogging on the spot, crunches and push-ups, I really only wanted to be ready for football so I could keep up. But we ended up not having sports this year at school, so I began reading about bodybuilding, and its become a new way of life for me. I started at a weight of 246 and as of today (January 20, 2001) I weigh 207 and looking better than ever.

So if I may I'd like to take a second to thank all those people who made my life a living hell, (yes thank them) for making me what I am today and what I will be tomorrow. And when the time comes to unveil the masterpiece that is me, I'm gonna laugh my ass off because they will probably be as scrawny as ever, more than likely because of smoking. But hey that's their problem not mine.

Name: Bryan Kenny
Favorite Bodyparts: It's all good.
Favorite Exercise: All of them!
Favorite Supplements: Multi-Vitamin, Vitamin E, Whey Protein and Creatine
Hobbies: Boxing, Karate, Wrestling, Running, Biking, Bodybuilding
Age: 17
Years Bodybuilding: 2
Height 6' 2"
Weight: 200
MAX Leg Press: 800lbs
MAX Bench Press: 230
Bicep: 18.5"
Legs: 25"
Chest: 48"

Oh yeah....John F. Ross Royals RULE!

Best of luck to all of you!



  • The Beast Workout UPDATE!

    Don't bite off more than you can chew! Especially with this routine!

  • Experimentation And Results!

    Don't bite off more than you can chew! Especially with this routine!

  • Experimentation And Results!

    Don't bite off more than you can chew! Especially with this routine!

  • The Beast Workout UPDATE!

    Don't bite off more than you can chew! Especially with this routine!

  • Training At Home!

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  • Perfect Abs, Cutting Up, And A Kick A$$ Cardio Workout!

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  • Creating The Perfect Bodybuilding Program!

    Strength is defined by how much weight a person can lift ONE TIME, therefore your muscles wont be as big as they could be if you follow a program designed for increasing muscle mass (size).

  • Start Low, Go Slow!

    I don't know about all of you, but I'm always getting in my friends' faces and dragging them down to the gym, unless they give me a valid excuse not to come like 'I have to work.'

  • Creating The Perfect Bodybuilding Program!

    Strength is defined by how much weight a person can lift ONE TIME, therefore your muscles wont be as big as they could be if you follow a program designed for increasing muscle mass (size).

  • The Beast Workout!

    It's been a long time since I've had the chance to sit down and write an article. For those of us in high school we look forward to the summer, when we can walk around town or down the beach showing off our bodies, we also look forward to all the extra.

  • Smoking And Bodybuilding!

    Smoking and bodybuilding just don't mix, for one thing the cardio part of your workout program will be screwed, and eventually you'll be so weak that the rest of your program will be just as screwed, and in result you're screwed.

  • I'm Too Busy. I Don't Have The Time.

    I don't know about all of you, but I'm always getting in my friends' faces and dragging them down to the gym, unless they give me a valid excuse not to come like 'I have to work', then I'll let them go, but I make them swear they'll come next time.

  • How To Avoid Embarrassing Moments In The Gym!

    Everyone has at least one embarrassing thing happen to them in the gym, whether its: farting, splitting your pants, or even crapping yourself. I'm going to give you a few ways to avoid these awkward situations.

  • Girls: Don't Fear The Gym!

    I'm hoping to encourage more girls to train hard and to get over this fear of sweating. She asked me how long it would take for her to get a six pack. Read on to find out.

  • Girls: Don't Fear The Gym!

    I'm hoping to encourage more girls to train hard and to get over this fear of sweating. She asked me how long it would take for her to get a six pack. Read on to find out.