Lying quad stretch with band

The lying quad stretch with band is a simple way to stretch a chronically tight muscle group of the lower body. It is common in stretching and yoga classes but can also be performed individually as part of a warm-up, paired with movements in a workout, or as part of a cool-down or recovery strategy.


  1. Simple and effective way to stretch the quads
  2. Can be performed with a belt, yoga strap, band, or other loop
  3. Easy to do while watching TV or resting
  4. Can help encourage flexibility that carries over to strength training or yoga

Lying quad stretch with band Images


Lying quad stretch with band Instructions

Lying quad stretch with band muscle diagram
  1. Lay on your side. Loop a belt, rope, or band around your top foot. Flex the knee and extend your hip, attempting to touch your glutes with your foot, and holding the belt with your hands. This will be your starting position.
  2. With the belt being held over the shoulder or overhead, gently pull to increase the stretch in the quadriceps. Hold for 10-20 seconds, and then switch sides.