Partner Facing Feet-Elevated Side Plank With Band Row


Partner Facing Feet-Elevated Side Plank With Band Row Images


Partner Facing Feet-Elevated Side Plank With Band Row Instructions

Partner Facing Feet-Elevated Side Plank With Band Row muscle diagram
  1. Get into a side plank position by balancing your weight on one elbow and stacking your feet about 6 inches off the floor. Keeping your body straight, lift your hips off the floor. Your body should face your partner, about 7 feet away.
  2. Grasp one end of an elastic band with your top-side hand, arm extended. This will be your starting position.
  3. Without twisting your bodies, simultaneously pull your elbows back as far as possible in a rowing motion to stretch the band, then release and again extending your arms forward.
  4. Do all reps for one side before switching sides.