Medicine ball partner twist

The medicine ball partner twist is a plyometrics exercise targeting the core muscles, particularly the obliques. You and a partner stand back to back and rotate in unison to pass a medicine ball back and forth on alternating sides.


  1. Builds the abdominals, particularly the obliques
  2. Burns significant calories
  3. Improves hand-eye coordination

Medicine ball partner twist Images


Medicine ball partner twist Instructions

Medicine ball partner twist muscle diagram
  1. For this exercise you will need a medicine ball and a partner. Stand back to back with your partner, spaced 2-3 feet apart. This will be your starting position.
  2. Hold the ball in front of the trunk. Open the hips and turn the shoulders at the same time as your partner.
  3. For full rotation, you and your partner should twist in the same direction, i.e. counter-clockwise.
  4. Pass the ball to your partner, and both of you can now twist in the opposite direction to repeat the procedure.