Seated Straigh-Bar Curl Superset

The seated wide-grip curl to close-grip curl is a variation on the classic seated dumbbell curl. The variation is that the range of motion changes in alternating fashion—one more traditional, one where you’re bringing the weight in more from the side.


  1. Adds some variety to your arm workout
  2. Hits different muscle fibers from multiple angles in one set
  3. Builds bigger and stronger biceps

Seated Straigh-Bar Curl Superset Images


Seated Straigh-Bar Curl Superset Instructions

Seated Straigh-Bar Curl Superset muscle diagram
  1. Sit erect on the end of a flat bench, feet out in front and knees bent about 90 degrees. Grasp a fixed barbell out wide with an underhand grip, a hand position that puts more emphasis on the biceps short head. This will be your starting position.
  2. Without using body English, do this partial-rep movement by contracting your biceps to curl the bar up to a point just below your chin, then release under control, ensuring the bar doesn’t rest atop the thighs in the bottom position. Repeat for the designated number of reps.
  3. Quickly reposition your hands to a shoulder-width grip and repeat for reps.
  4. Finally switch to a close grip, which preferentially emphasizes the long head, for the final number of reps.