Seth Pauley


Here are some of my stats- I am 5-7, weigh about 203, am 25 years of age and have been training for about 7 years.I have gained about 90 solid pounds since I started without juice so far but am looking to gain more (always). I am always testing new methods in search of stimulating new gains in muscle. I have been lucky to have some good coaches and teachers along the way


  • Great Exercise Variations!

    Push it to the max with high intensity training techniques! Be prepared for the most amazing results you will ever see.

  • Bicep Blowout!

    This ones gonna take you way further than your regular straight sets of barbell curls you meathead freaks! While barbell curls are certainly a worthy training staple...

  • How To Widen Your Back!

    Before we go over any of the specifics of back training for width, lets get a few things clear. In the world of weight training, the most difficult movements build champs and the easy movements churn out twigs...

  • Superset Delt Shocker!

    I have found a superset technique that shocked my delts immensely after a long frustrating plateau. The side delts have always been my my favorite to watch grow! I found that you can kill them with a superset of dumbell presses...

  • The Advantage Of Opposing Muscle Supersets, And A Back Builder Straight From HELL!

    Supersetting opposing muscle groups is a great training boost of its own. Olympic trainer Charles Poliquin stated that many bench press records have been set right after a set of heavy bent rows for back.

  • Combining Powerlifting With Bodybuilding!

    Push it to the max with high intensity training techniques! Be prepared for the most amazing results you will ever see!

  • The Beauty Of Rest-Pause Training!

    Rest-pause training has got to be one of the hardest ways to train I have ever known of. It places an extreme demand on your body in a very short period of time. If your not familiar with it, it basically goes like this...