An Interview With Jason Cohen!
Learn about three of the top natural bodybuilders.
Published on: Dec 19, 2002 -
The Benefits Of Weight Training!
How different are the benefits for women, compared to the benefits of weight training for men? These questions along with much more will be considered in this article.
Published on: Dec 19, 2002 -
An Interview With Dave Goodin!
Learn about three of the top natural bodybuilders.
Published on: Dec 18, 2002 -
An Interview With Derik Farnsworth!
Learn about three of the top natural bodybuilders.
Published on: Dec 17, 2002 -
How To Increase Gains On Your Bench Press!
There are ways to make great gains on your bench. Let's look at how this can be done.
Published on: Dec 16, 2002 -
Diet And Training!
I'd been training for 1 year and I know that I'm just getting started in the bodybuilding business, but I just want to show you some tips that I considerate that had been great for me in the Diet and Training territory.
Published on: Jul 1, 2002 -
The Attitude And Life Of A Bodybuilder!
Every writer is always making suggestions about how to lift and what to eat. But in life there is so much more than just eating a lean cut steak and lifting a bar. These are only principles to abide by.
Published on: Jun 18, 2002 -
Questions And Answers!
Timothy Kelly's e-mail questions and answers.
Published on: Jun 17, 2002 -
Get Big The Right Way!
So it is possible to get big without the costly anabolics or andro. This is what so many people miss out on.
Published on: Jun 17, 2002 -
Designing A Solid Weight Training Routine!
There are several key components one must consider when designing a weight training routine. I will attempt to briefly discuss these with you now, but first, I would like to dispel a common myth:
Published on: Jun 6, 2002 -
Proportion/Symmetry Does Matter!
You see those guys in the gym and at your school that have bodybuilded all their lives. They have huge arms, huge back, huge chest, tiny little calves, and their hips are the same size they were when they started training.
Published on: Mar 31, 2002 -
Supplements: The Good, The Bad, The Okay
Robert Zarano discusses supplements: the good, the bad, and the just okay.
Published on: Mar 31, 2002 -
Grow Your Upper Body In Just 40 Minutes Per Week!!
I know this sounds like a stupid advert from a fitness mag, but believe me. I've tried this one and it works! It was the first workout I ever tried, with a few little additions, and it helped me to begin to look the part of a bodybuilder.
Published on: Mar 31, 2002 -
Proportion/Symmetry Does Matter!
You see those guys in the gym and at your school that have bodybuilded all their lives. They have huge arms, huge back, huge chest, tiny little calves, and their hips are the same size they were when they started training.
Published on: Mar 31, 2002 -
Grow Your Upper Body In Just 40 Minutes Per Week!!
I know this sounds like a stupid advert from a fitness mag, but believe me. I've tried this one and it works! It was the first workout I ever tried, with a few little additions, and it helped me to begin to look the part of a bodybuilder.
Published on: Mar 31, 2002 -
I Can't Get Motivated!
As my first contribution to, I have decided to write this article on motivation. It's something I have trouble with now and again...
Published on: Mar 4, 2002 -
Top Ten Shocking Methods!
Giant sets are like super sets, but you have to perform more than three exercises in a row. I believe this one is a little bit too heavy.
Published on: Mar 26, 2001 -
Healthy Eating!
Beware of the 'best way' diets out there like weight watchers, Jenny Craig, yes even Body for Life where the people claim that their diet is the only diet for losing weight.
Published on: Mar 24, 2001 -
Healthy Eating!
Beware of the 'best way' diets out there like weight watchers, Jenny Craig, yes even Body for Life where the people claim that their diet is the only diet for losing weight.
Published on: Mar 24, 2001