Diet And Training!

I'd been training for 1 year and I know that I'm just getting started in the bodybuilding business, but I just want to show you some tips that I considerate that had been great for me in the Diet and Training territory.

Ok, I'd been training for 1 year and I know that I'm just getting started in the bodybuilding business, but I just want to show you some tips that I considerate that had been great for me in the diet and training territory.


A) Fats - In the beginning I thought (just like anyone else, I think) that if less fat is consuming more bigger and leaner I would be.Wrong!, during those days of fat free products..I just started to lose muscle,energy and endurance.Then I understand that fats are extremely needed to grow, so don't be afraid of eat some fat,just try to be away of saturated fats because these are the bad fats,you will find these types of fats mostly in meats.

B) Carbohydrates - Anyone that knows that carbohydrates supply our bodies with energy, I just would recommend like anyone else do "do not eat complex carbs like; potatoes, bread, oatmeal or rice 5 to 6 hours before going to bed,because they will convert into stored fat'

C) Protein - Without protein you can't grow (protein are the building blocks of our muscles). Try to eat one gram of protein per pound and never eat more than 70 grams of protein in one meal.


I would highly recommend this 4 day split routine to gain some size and mass.
* Do abs before starting the workout

Monday - Chest,Triceps

Bench press - 3 x 8-10
Incline Bench Press - 3x 8-10
Dumbell flyes - 3x 8-10
Dips - 2 x 8-10
Pushdowns - 3 x 8-10
Kickbacks - 3 x 6-8

Tuesday - Back, Biceps

Incline Dumbell Rows - 4 x 10
Seated rows - 3 x 8-10
Good mornings - 2 x 12
Barbell Curls - 3 x 8-10
Preacher's curls - 3 x 8-10
Seated one arm dumbell curls - 3 x 8-10

Wednesday - Off

Thursday - Legs

Squats - 3 x 8-10
Leg Press - 3 x 8-10
Standing leg curl - 3 x 8-10
Leg extensions - 3x 12
Seated calf raises - 4x15
Donkey calf raises - 4 x 15

Friday - Shoulders, Forearms

Military Press - 4 x 12
Front lateral raises - 3 x 8-10
Side lateral raises - 3 x 8-10
Dumbell press - 3 x 12
Dumbell Shrugs - 3 x 15
Wrist Curls - 2 x 20
Hammer Curls - 3 x 8-10

I hope that this article help you in some way or another. Remember, train like a beast!!!!