Gym Of The Month


We spend a lot of time at showcasing the best athletes, trainers, training programs, nutritional plans, motivators and all you could ever know about correct supplementation. But none of it is worth a hoot if you don't train, and having a great place to work out greatly increases your chance to succeed. To highlight gyms that are great places to work out we're going to award one gym a month our Gym of the Month Award.

So unless you're the super disciplined home gym type, we hope you're looking for the same things we are in a great gym; friendly knowledgeable staff, lots of free weights, the right type of machines, and a motivating environment where serious training is taking place at a price you can afford.

If you know of another gym that stands out as supporting our sport and providing an atmosphere that encourages clients of all ability levels to reach their goals please send me an email at [email protected] so that we can showcase the hard work our gym owners and managers do to provide us a great place to train.
