Ryan Swan


It all started the summer going into grade 10. I weighed 118 pounds at 5' 10". It was pathetic. I was the most out of shape teenager around. My life revolved around partying. I fell in with the wrong crowd and cared nothing about my health. I was a mess.

One day as I was going out the door the look on my mom's face when I said, "see ya, I'll be back tomorrow or something, can I have some money?". It just clicked. She was so disappointed in me, and when I thought about it...I was disappointed in myself. Something clicked that day and I decided to make a change.

My older brother had gotten a weight set for Christmas. I had always admired people who were in shape and had nice physiques, so I thought why not? I messed around with these weights a few times and started reading about working out. My now best friend Kirt worked at the local YMCA and asked me to come in and try it out. That first day, I knew I was hooked. The feeling I got from the weights was better than anything I had experienced before.

As for competitive bodybuilding, about 4 months of working out, I came across a ticket to a provincial show. I went up and when I saw those guys in real life, I was amazed. I told myself that night that I was going to enter that competition and three years later I did. Now bodybuilding is my life, a choice I would not change for a million dollars.

Check out my Teen Bodybuilder of the month Profile!

Name: Ryan Swan
E-mail: ryan_swan@hotmail.com
Age: 19
Height: 5"10"
Weight: offseason-190 lbs, precontest-175 lbs
Location: Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
Best Lifts: I don't do one rep maxes. I don't feel they're necessary for my goals, and just put me at risk for injury.

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