I started experimenting with dumbbells when I was in 5th grade. I always wondered why my older brother and father trained. I just thought they were wasting their lives because they were missing out of having fun. Little did I know that bodybuilding would become my favorite hobby.
Bodybuilding has impacted my life in many ways. People respect me for having respect for my body and sometimes ask me questions about bodybuilding. I don't think that I am better than people just because I lift weights. This is something that I do for myself and not to make myself look better than someone. Bodybuilding allows you to push yourself as hard as you want and learn what you're made of.
Name: Shane Giese Age: 19 Years Bodybuilding: 6 Competition Weight: 173 lbs. Off-Season Weight: 195 lbs. Current Location: Peoria, Arizona Hobbies: Football, Bodybuilding, Hanging out with friends! | Favorite Supplements: Creatine And Whey Protein Favorite Bodyparts: Chest And Calves Favorite Exercises: Military Press, Dumbell Bench, Dumbell Press Favorite Bodybuilders: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ahmad Haider, Darrem Charles, Albert Beckles |
Motivation for getting into weight lifting: My older brother and dad worked out so I began lifting weights myself at age 11 and seriously at age 13.
Motivation for getting into bodybuilding: My assistant principle's son was a bodybuilder and helped me prepare for my first bodybuilding competition.
Competition History:
- 2005 NPC Teen Nationals middleweight 2nd place
- 2004 INBF Wisconsin Championships men's open lightweight 1st place
- 2002 NPC Western regional USA 16 and under division 1st place
- 2002 NPC Arizona 16 and under division first place
Workout Videos:
- Repetrope's "Brett Feldman Presents: The Shane Giese Project"
- Repetrope's "Shane Giese: All Angles"
Teen Training Articles:
Shane has written 36 other teen training articles on, so check them out here:
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