James Mace


James Mace is a lifting enthusiast who has been in the U.S. Army since 1993.


  • Battlezone Forearm Attack!

    Therefore it is good to vary doing both moderate/heavy sets of 8 to 10 repetitions, as well as light sets of 12 to 15. Forearm lifts can be broken down into top and bottom lifts.

  • Preventing And Treating Muscle Cramps

    Muscle cramps are nothing new, nor are they limited to the world of athletes. You can get cramps simply because you slept wrong the night before. There are many things that can cause cramps, but there are simple ways to prevent this.

  • Having It All: Strategies For Losing Fat And Gaining Muscle!

    Common sense strategies for those seeking both muscle gain and fat loss. Learn about training, diet, cardio, supplements and more. Bonus: Find out what works for me. You CAN have it all.

  • Bodybuilding Quest While Being Called To Duty!

    Parts of our military are on a body transformation quest when they are called to duty. Check back for updates!