Dennis Weis


Dennis B. Weis is a Ketchikan, Alaska-based power/bodybuilder. He is a hard-hitting, uncompromising freelance professional writer and investigative research consultant in the fields of bodybuilding, nutrition, physiology, and powerlifting.

Dennis was first published over two decades ago (1976) in the pages of Iron Man magazine. Since that time he has become known to almost every mainstream bodybuilding/physique magazine's readership throughout the United States and Europe. The magazines that publish his articles include and are not limited to Bodybuilding Monthly (U.K. publication), Exercise For Men Only, Hardgainer (Nicosia, Cyprus, publication), Iron Man, Muscle & Fitness, Muscle Mag Int'l, and Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness.

You have undoubtedly read dozens of his 100+ feature-length articles in many of the popular worldwide magazines -- under his own name and under the names of certain top physique stars and powerlifting personalities.

The credentials of this prolific writer extend beyond the scope of just writing articles, for he is the author of three critically acclaimed best-selling books: Mass! (1986), Raw Muscle (1989), and his newest release, Anabolic Muscle Mass: The Secrets of Anabolic Reinforcement Without Steroids.

In recognition of his writing accomplishments, he has received Meritorious Service Awards relating to all published works as a magazine consultant and published book author. In addition to these honors, he has performed Barnes & Noble and Waldenbooks autograph parties and window displays for his books. He has also been a featured guest on various radio talk shows around the country, where he shares his knowledge and experience regarding such issues as bodybuilding and the super-fitness lifestyle.

During the past two decades he has established a small but dynamic one-man business to service male and female bodybuilders, fitness buffs, and powerlifting enthusiasts of all types with very personal (one to one or mail order), and highly professional instruction on all phases of physical excellence.

He has coached literally hundreds of select clients, one of the most notable being a personal training advisor to the 1983 Miss Minnesota winner. One of the training tools he uses as a personal trainer is the revolutionary and famous Samra R.E.S.T. principle.

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