Striking Truth's David Loiseau Shares His Conditioning And Explosive Strength Workout!

Striking Truth's David Loiseau Shares His Conditioning And Explosive Strength Workout!

Striking Truth's David Loiseau Shares His Conditioning And Explosive Strength Workout!


David Loiseau's Conditioning And Explosive Training Workout


People ask me all the time, "David, How are you so explosive in the ring? Your elbows, your kicks, everything is so crisp!" Well of course this comes from years of practice and technique but part of that explosiveness comes from training in a dynamic fashion.

Warm Up:

Even if you are not a fighter, an injury will set you back from valuable training time. I was really impressed with the Dorian Yates Blood & Guts workout on here. I know he's a big martial arts fan. I'm going with him that I think active warm up is better than static stretching. Since I'm doing explosive movements, be it my lifts or striking I want to make sure my joints are well oiled. I do each warm up movement for 20-30 reps. I start with smaller joints and work up to the bigger ones:


With the exception of track and recovery day I jump rope everyday for 10 minutes before my workout. Jumping rope is great cardio, helps with agility and balance and as you get better at it you can add variations to make it progressively harder. There's a reason boxers have been jumping rope for years. It helps your timing tremendously!

Day 1: Leg Day

Day 2: Presses

  • Weighted Push-Ups (Weighted Vest or Chains): 5 sets of 8 to 10 reps
  • 30 second rest between sets


Day 3: Pulls

Day 4: Track Day

I like to do this outside if possible. Use a really good pair of running shoes. Sometimes I do a form of Tabata and will explode during my run for 20 seconds, then slow down for 10 seconds. You see Georges do something similar when he enters the cage before his fights. Of course the weather in Montreal is unpredictable so sometimes I do this indoors on a treadmill or indoor track.

Day 5: Recovery Day

Grappling Training / Wrestling: 4 Times A Week

  • 5 - 5 Minute Standing Drills with 2-minute breaks
  • 5 - 5 Minute Rounds with 1-minute breaks

Striking & Ground And Pound Training: 2 Times A Week

  • 5 x 5 minute rounds
  • 1-minute breaks
  • 25 total minute workout


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