3 Keys To Building A Sexy-Brazilian Butt!

Many women want a firm and shapely backside. The Brazilian butt is yours to achieve with the right type of training and nutrition plan - find out more below!

Weight Lifting Workouts

The first and most effective strategy for reshaping your backside is to start performing the right type of weightlifting workouts. Many women think that lifting a light weight for multiple reps is the best way to define their muscles, however this is an incorrect assumption.

You'll see far better results pushing your body hard and lifting as heavy weights as possible, so that must be your focus.

The Full Squat

When it comes to exercise selection, full squats can't be beat. Most women short themselves on this exercise because they only go part-way down through the motion, which won't fully recruit the glute muscles. Unless you are experiencing a large amount of knee pain, there's no reason not to push yourself lower.

Try doing it without weight the first few times if you can to get a feel for the movement and then start loading weight onto the bar. You'll likely feel quite sore the next day using this technique but the results will be well worth it.

Split Squats

Another very good exercise for improving the shape and firmness of your butt are split squats. These will place a large amount of stress on a single leg right near the bum region so you can see quick results and improvements in strength.

This exercise can be performed with either a barbell across your back or a set of dumbbells and will also work the abs as they are recruited to help you maintain balance. With this one too, aim to go as low down as you can in the lunging position and try and take a decent length step forward when you first get into the starting position.

If you lengthen the step you take, you're going to place more emphasis on the hamstrings rather than the quads, which is the goal of this movement.


Finally, the last exercise to perform in your Brazilian butt workout is step-ups. These will target the entire lower body including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, while also torching calories in the process. The higher the step you use throughout the exercise the more you'll be targeting the glutes, so really try to push yourself here.

You don't necessarily have to be performing each of these exercises every single workout as that could quickly lead to overtraining, but mixing it up between them will keep the body responding and will help you get better results.

Cardio Training

Next you have your cardio training. If you're hoping to get a firmer backside, straight running is generally the last thing that you want to be doing, yet what many women figure is best for fat loss.

While running will help you burn up calories at an accelerated pace, the problem with it is that it tends to flatten out the look of the body, doing anything but creating curves.

Instead, consider uphill walking. This will place more stress on the muscles surrounding the glutes and do a much better job at adding muscle definition while you burn calories and lose the fat that's keeping them from looking their best.

Part of getting that Brazilian butt is working towards losing any current body fat off the region as that will make it harder to see tone and definition and also add a dimpled appearance. Cardio training - or rather - getting into that calorie deficit is a big part of what will accomplish that task.

Another good cardio activity, if you'd rather not do incline walking, is the step machine. This will also have you working against resistance and will add more tone and definition to your body rather than slimming everything out but leaving you looking rather shapeless.

For the elliptical fans out there, this type of cardio tends to fall in the middle ground. It's more beneficial than running would be, however you're still not working in the glutes in the same manner you would uphill walking, so not quite as ideal. If it's the only form of cardio you will actually keep up however, then likely a smart choice.

Another Good Cardio Activity, If You'd Rather Not Do Incline Walking, Is The Step Machine
Another good cardio activity, if you'd rather not do incline walking, is the step machine.

Nutritional Approach

Finally we move onto the nutritional aspect of the Brazilian butt goal. The approach you take has to do with your current situation, so it's important to assess that before moving forward.

If you're someone who currently doesn't have that much shape to your bum and are looking to develop more curves, then you should add more calories to your diet in effort to build more muscle mass and get that shape you desire. You can't do that without taking in more calories than you burn each day so you'll require a surplus of a few hundred calories over maintenance.

On the other side of the equation, if you already have enough shape but are dealing with the problem of not being toned enough back there then you'll need to focus on losing some body fat and this is accomplished by reducing your calorie intake a few hundred calories below maintenance.

It's very important that you adopt the correct nutritional strategy based on how you already look otherwise you won't get the results you're after. Tracking your calorie intake regularly and paying attention to your body is the best way to go about seeing success, so start keeping a food journal where you will track everything you need to be.

Obviously you also must be eating the right macronutrient distribution between protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, but there are so many different diets available that you can use that there's no hard and fast rule as to how many of each you must have, but rather it should be based on what works best for your own body and what you can stick with. Getting those calories in line however will make or break your program.


So if your goal is a Brazilian butt, keep these points in mind. With some hard work, smart program planning, and a good nutritional strategy, you definitely can change this area of your body and get the results you're going for.