Todd Torns


When I was 14, I wanted to get bigger, just for the sake of it, no real reason. So I started working out by buying a bench press. I didn't start seriously getting into bodybuilding until after I got cut from the JV Baseball team. I wanted to get as big as I possibly could be the next year's tryouts, so I could hit with a lot more power. Now I am working out everyday, and now I have entered a few powerlifting competitions. I am still yet to of won any comps yet, but next season I hope to be able to win my first.
Name: Todd Torns.
Age: 15
Favorite Bodyparts: Calves
Favorite Exercise: Squats
Favorite Supplements: ECA, Protein
Hobbies: Football, Baseball, Powerlifting
Favorite Bodybuilders: Rick Valente taught me a lot about Bodybuilding!
As of 12/20/00
Age: 15
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 145 lbs
Chest: 39.5"
Calves: 16"
Legs: 21.25"
Arms: 12.5"
Waist: 32"


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