Sue Wilkerson


Sue is a writer and fitness consultant who loves to see people transform their bodies from soft, flabby marshmallows into toned, sexy works of art. Sue embarked on the road to health and fitness at the age of 42 when she and her husband participated in an EAS Body for Life Challenge. Although she didn't win, the three grueling months of transformation not only transformed her body but her life. Already active and training in martial arts, she had never experienced the feeling of having a firm, sculpted body. Once she had achieved one, she was hooked.

That was nine-plus years ago and at the age of 51, the mother of three is still hard at work to keep that rock-solid physique. Intrigued by the idea of adding muscle to the body, in 2000 she became an ISSA Certified Specialist in Sports Nutrition, and studied the ACE program to be a Personal Trainer. She also immersed herself in studying exercise physiology and nutrition to learn how to not only get in peak shape herself, but to share with others. Her day job as a Feature Writer and Assistant Editor at a Regional magazine gave her the perfect platform to start sharing her new knowledge with others in the form of articles and columns.

Sue became a regular contributor to Oxygen as well as Fitness RX,, Ms. Fitness, Woman's World, and Quick and Light magazines. She has designed fitness and nutrition programs for many family members, friends and people who she meets and who ask her, "How do you stay so thin and fit?" Sue currently has a website, where she shares fitness and nutrition tips, and is currently writing a book, titled (what else?) Secrets of a Thin Girl: Head to Toe Tips for Living Healthier Everyday. She also is also a Commercial Real Estate Broker.

"I love to share what I've learned with everyone who will listen," Sue says. "Young or old, everyone needs to learn the benefits of eating right and embrace the fitness lifestyle. It's never too late to get in terrific shape."

Sue currently weight trains four to five times a week in her home gym. For cardio, in the winter she hits the treadmill and in warmer months prefers outdoor activities such as hiking and kayaking. She also holds a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. A believer that what you eat controls your health and ability to gain--and maintain--muscle, she eats a clean diet, avoiding sugar and simple carbs and focusing on lots of quality protein, dark leafy greens and complex carbs such as brown rice and oatmeal.
