Slyvon Blanco


Slyvon Blanco is an online fitness coach, owner of, and author of No Nonsense Fat Loss: A Practical Guide to Simplifying Your Fitness for the Real World.

Slyvon has a passion for showing people how to simplify their fitness, and he has guided clients from all over the world in transforming their bodies both inside and out. His work has been seen on websites like, STACK, Yahoo Sports, and Fitocracy.

Fitness stuff aside, Slyvon is a nomad, foodie, and self-proclaimed lifehacker (if you want to learn how to fly anywhere in the world for free, he’ll show you how).



  • The 5 Keys To Any Successful Nutrition Plan

    Don't start building the chimney of your new physique when the foundation is still in shambles! This is where quality nutrition starts. Where you take it is up to you!

  • 8 Ways To A Perfect Workout

    Make the most of every sweat-soaked second you train. Go hard, go heavy, or go home.