Joe Corleone


I am actually a rower who got into bodybuilding partly to improve performance but I also started because I hated being puny. OK, I admit it I wanted attention from the ladies too! Anyway, I love bodybuilding a lot: improvement comes at whatever pace you want and you dictate everything too. I have respect for everybody as well. Whether you are a skinny hard gainer, someone who is obese and seriously needs to drop fat for health reasons, a mass monster, powerlifter, athlete, or someone like me it doesn't matter.

In the year and a half that I have been training I have gone from 136 lbs to just above 200, all while keeping the abs cut. People at my gym started asking me if I was training for local contests recently and it was so cool. I have improved tremendously, and I hope I can use my writing to help others (teens up to the old folks).

I truly want to help others through the use of my writing. I am emphatic to the goals and concerns of all and I firmly believe that people who visit this website will not only accrue insight but also make a momentous improvement in their physique and consequently in their life as a whole. Aristotle once quoted when describing the ideal man as being "sound in mind and body".

Name: Joe Corleone
Years Bodybuilding: 1.5 years
Favorite Bodyparts: The whole thing
Favorite Exercise: I like all of them!
Favorite Supplements: Protein Powders
Hobbies: Rowing, Social Studies
Favorite Bodybuilders: Melvin Anthony, Arnold, Chris Cormier, Milos Sarcev
As of 12/20/00
Age: 18
Height 6'2 1'4
Weight 215
Waist 30
Leg 24
Arm 16.75
Calf 16
Neck 16

    Best Lifts as of 09/15/01:
  • Leg Press 1040 for 10 reps
  • Bench 275x2reps
  • Deadlift 330
  • Dumbell Curls 55x 7 reps
  • Weighed Chins 35lb plate for 8 reps
  • Squat 365x11reps
  • Incline Press 245
How did my flat bench go up like this?
A typical progression for me on the Incline Press is something like 135 for 10, 160 for 5 then 4 work sets: 7/195, 5/200lbs, 3-4/205, 3/210


10/135, 10/ 160 ( my warm-ups felt lighter than usual), My first work set was supposed to be with 195 but the barbell felt ridiculously light so I stopped and put 205 and thought, this will be it-- but that still was too light.

I continued this until I was at 225 lbs and got 7 text book reps and even felt like I had another 1-2reps left in me. The next set was in a power rack with the safety catches at the ready just in case. Next set was 240 lbs for 4 reps. A third set saw me doing 255 for another 4 reps. I was dumbfounded that I still had energy to complete 4 reps with a weight that was 15 lbs heavier than the last set. On my last set I thought what the hell... I was in the power rack with the safety catches and now I had 2 spotters on both sides of the bar... I ended up getting 275 x 2 reps! That was crazy! How the hell am I flat benching more than I ever did before even though I haven't touched the flat bench is more than half a year?
JOE CORLEONEOff-Season Training Journal Update - Wanna see a hardcore workout? See the gains I've made!...

AND THEN THERE WERE 3 --The Third Installment of my Training Journal - If you have been reading my articles you will see that I have been documenting my training programs throughout the summer. In this article you will see how close I have come to attaining my goals (remember the summer is not over yet so I still got some time) ...

Training Goals for summer 2001 #2 - This is my second installment of my training journal and nutritional habits...

Preface to Joe's Training Journal - Many people have e-mailed me inquiring what I personally do in my workouts and since I emphasize the necessity of progress I thought I would give you an inside look into the ever improving routine of a teen...


  • Goals For Summer 2002: Training And Diet Outlined!

    Many people after having read some of my articles have requested information about what I do for bodybuilding. While I think that you should experiment with training and diet on your own, I think that you can still acquire a wealth of knowledge from me.


    When fully developed they form the 'X-frame' of the body whereby the wide deltoids taper into a narrow waist which flares out to sweeping quads. Well developed shoulders are one of the main ingredients to creating an aesthetic physique.

  • Intensity 3!

    A bodybuilder tries to develop all of his muscles with size and shape to create a proportionate body.

  • Want Immensity? Then Add Intensity!

    Every week when I train I always try to either add more weight or eek out one more rep than I did last time. By focusing on these small incremental improvements in the long run I have improved a lot and there is no reason why it cannot work for you.

  • Symmetry...What's That?

    One day, a gym rat asked me this very question. When we talk about symmetry in bodybuilding we refer to the way that the body parts fit together--how balanced the physique appears.

  • Symmetry...What's That?

    One day, a gym rat asked me this very question. When we talk about symmetry in bodybuilding we refer to the way that the body parts fit together--how balanced the physique appears.

  • Preface To My Training Journal!

    Many people have e-mailed me inquiring what I personally do in my workouts and since I emphasize the necessity of progress I thought I would give you an inside look into the ever improving routine of a teen.

  • Leg Training: Important Aspect Of Training!

    Aside from looking good, well developed legs will help you in just about any sport since they are an integral source of power.

  • What Am I Supposed To Do?

    People in search of muscular gains look to others who have the desired look. While this practice can be viable, we are all individuals who will respond to various agents differently.

  • The ECA Stack!

    Something you need to consider whether you are using the stack to burn fat or increase energy, is the amount of ephedrine you take.

  • Pecfection!

    Chest Workouts...we are finally here and I promise you that after implementing the advice in this article your pecs will frighten a T-Rex. One of the most impressive sites in bodybuilding is a pair of striated slabs of granite-like pecs.

  • Keep Your Eyes On The Prize!

    We all have people we look up to, people who inspire us to do certain things. See what Joe has to say on getting where you want and getting exactly what you want.

  • Tried And True!

    Ok this is no ordinary article on how to build dense muscular triceps. After these sets you will refer to your triceps as triceratops!

  • Building Your Back!

    I am kicking things off with back since it is on the first day of my split and it is so important. When you look at all the champs who win contests, from the nationals to the Olympia, you will see that each top contender has an outstanding back!

  • Overcoming Obstacles And Off-Season Training!

    For the past three months I have had two philosophies when it comes to training … HARD and HEAVY! Here is my current workout split and other things I have learned about bodybuilding.

  • Leg Training: Important Aspect Of Training!

    Aside from looking good, well developed legs will help you in just about any sport since they are an integral source of power.

  • The Main Event!

    Learn about the layout of your training program and how bodybuilding is NOT a one size fits all sport!

  • The Great Pyramid!

    The need for intelligence and tenacity through arduous labor is needed as much in bodybuilding as it was in the project of the great pyramid! Find all the sample workouts you need right

  • Second Installment Of My Training Journal And Nutritional Habits!

    Things are getting bigger and better-- especially me. I have gained 7 lbs (mind you about only 4 lbs of that is actually muscle tissue-- the rest represents mass from fat and water) but still have maintained a good level of definition.

  • Exercise Selection And Routine Order!

    This is a unique training article that explores the need to do the most difficult, most productive exercises first in your workout to ignite the sparks of the fire known as muscle growth. So get some wood, a match, and...