Casandra Madero


I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico when at one month of age my parents decided to move to Miami, Florida. Growing up in Miami has certainly been a fun experience.

I began training at 17 but didn't become very interested until about 20. After that it essentially became a major part of my life. I always related most with the serious bodybuilders and quickly adopted their way of training.

This past November I won the overall at my very first NPC figure competition in Miami. A week later I placed third at the Excalibur in California. I feel that in that week I quickly learned how it feels to win and to lose. I believe this succession of events was predestined so that I remember clearly the difference of each outcome. In either case, my placement in both shows qualified me for Nationals. I have begun to prepare for this event where I will surely attain my pro card. I can't wait!

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