Jessica Simpson
Fab To Flab? I Don't Think So!
Hollywood starlet Jessica Simpson got into bikini-body shape for her films, which helped build her celebrity status.
A couple of years ago Jessica Simpson had one of the hottest bodies in Hollywood, especially after her role in The Dukes of Hazzard where she played the denim-short-wearing Daisy Duke, the spawn of many a teen fantasy, no doubt.
Prior to this movie though, Jessica was by no means out of shape. She had what I would call a bikini body, which is all there, but not athletically toned. She then enlisted the aid of a personal trainer and began a fitness crusade. Her regimen included working out for up to 2 hours a day, 6 days a week in order to get the look she wanted for The Dukes of Hazzard. And what a look it was, sporting legs that would be the envy of many a gymnast.
She incorporated a combination of running and resistance training into her workout routine, putting special emphasis on squats and lunges, which is most likely why those legs and glutes looked so great on the screen. Her diet was pretty simple; she followed the famous South Beach Diet, which is pretty much low carb and high protein.
With all that training and hardcore dieting, you'd think that Jessica Simpson would have been able to keep that toned, feminine physique. However, I think she experienced the common case of over-training and yo-yo dieting. Her routine was not sustainable and she fell off the wagon.
My professional opinion is that Ms. Simpson shares this experience with a lot of women who need to find a happy medium, a healthy lifestyle balance. With the right amount of exercise (not too much, not too little) and a diet you can maintain year round anyone can keep up a good level of health and fitness.
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Jessica Simpson In Employee Of The Month.
Copyright © 2006 Lions Gate Entertainment.
Any individual out there that is not a competitive athlete has no reason to be so strict with training and dieting that life becomes dull and nothing else matters. Don't get me wrong, when you train you should give it 100%. It's pretty much like doing an exam in school; you can cheat and copy from your classmate but you are only fooling yourself.
Remember, you only get out what you put in and in the case of your body, there was never a truer word spoken. If you workout and eat good healthy meals, you will look good and healthy. Simple!
The Training Plan
Having a non athlete train any more than 5 days a week is simply ridiculous. However, I do recommend that the scientific know-how that elite athletes utilize to get in shape should also be made available for the lay person.
The training plan that I would advise Jessica to use is outlined below; it is a 5-day split incorporating as many components of fitness as possible.
Monday-Wednesday-Friday: Circuit Training:
This is a great way to get in shape FAST! Because the pace at which you workout can be regulated by either yourself or your trainer and getting your heart rate into the 'fat burning zone' can be done quiet easily.
Also, the resistance aspect of the exercises outlined below will tone and sculpt the physique to what is desired, so you are actually killing two birds with one stone so to speak. You are burning fat by keeping a good pace with little rest between exercises, and you are building lean muscle through the chosen exercises.
When designing a circuit training plan, it is important to ensure that the exercises are laid out in an appropriate order so as to maximize recovery in a particular muscle group, while keeping the intensity of the workout high.
This is done by following a very simple guideline of working the upper body; core to lower body. For example, we do push ups, working the chest, shoulders and arms. The next exercise would be abdominals or back, followed by a leg exercise.
From the exercises below, choose 3 from each section for your circuit. There are 9 exercises in all. Perform 4 sets of each one, getting 20 - 25 reps per exercise before moving on. Make sure to keep the format upper to middle to lower.
Circuit Training:
- Upper Body Exercise - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
- Middle Body Exercise - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
- Lower Body Exercise - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
- Upper Body Exercise - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
- Middle Body Exercise - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
- Lower Body Exercise - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
- Upper Body Exercise - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
- Middle Body Exercise - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
- Lower Body Exercise - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
Click Here For A Printable Log Of The Jessica Simpson Circuit Training.
Upper Body Exercises:
Dumbbell Bench Press - This exercise can be exchanged for regular bench press or push ups and any variation there of.
Military Press - This exercise can be done seated or standing and can also be done using a barbell, dumbbells or machine.
Biceps Curls - Free weights (barbells or dumbbells) or machines are fine here.
Triceps Extensions - Push downs or variations such as skull crushers are good here.
Kick Backs - A great triceps exercise, this can be performed either single arm or double.
Middle Body Exercises - Core:
Crunches - There are numerous variations for the crunch or sit up. I personally prefer the crunch as more emphasis is placed on the abdominals.
Leg Raises - Working the lower abdominals, this can be done with a bent knee or for the advanced trainer, keep the legs straight.
Superman's - This exercise is great for the lower back, and can be done lying or kneeling. The aim is to stretch out with opposing arm and leg simultaneously, emulating the man of steel.
Back Extensions - This exercise can be performed either lying in the ground face down or on a bench where a greater stretch can be obtained and also more resistance added.
Roll Ins - This is also done using the Swiss ball. While lying on the floor, place your legs on the ball and adopt the press up position. From here, roll the ball toward you by bringing the knees in towards the chest. This is a great core exercise.
Lower Body Exercises:
Lunges - These can be done with a barbell across the back or dumbbells by your side, alternating legs with each repetition.
Squats - Either machine squats or free standing. This is a great exercise for hitting the thighs and glutes.
Step Ups - These can be done using only your own bodyweight and add weight as strength and endurance increase. Step up onto a bench, and back down again, alternating the leg you use to step up.
Walking Lunges - This is one of the best exercises for leg and glute development. Your own bodyweight is sufficient, but can also be performed holding dumbbells.
Ply Squats - Holding a single dumbbell in between both hands, point your feet outwards and squat down. This exercise really emphasizes the involvement of the glutes.
Non-Circuit Training Days:
Here I would have Jessica doing something like inline skating, which can burn a massive amount of calories per hour upwards of 800! It gives you a break from the gym and gets you out in the open air. This can also be substituted with bike riding, power walking, surfing etc.
The second non-circuit training day I would do some boxing, or Tae Bo style training. Again, I would incorporate the intervals principle; boxing for 2 minutes, resting for 1. These fast bursts of energy keep the body alert and stimulate fat burning at a far greater percentage than lower impact cardio and its fun. Come on, who doesn't like to beat the sh!t out of a punching bag every now and then.
So there it is boys and girls. This is my little trade secret to get Jessica Simpson back on track, and keep that body the world loves so much.