The winter months are almost upon us and it is time to shed the winter coat and show off that summer six pack like a diva parading her new poodle. Unfortunately, following countless of hour's spent on abdominal excises you find that you are still holding enough insulation to live through another winter with Alaskan penguins.
If you are not a slouch when it comes to aerobic exercise and a Spartan warrior in terms of abdominal obliterating, I can guarantee that your diet is spelled out by a dyslexic once interpreted.
Step 1: Differentiate Healthy Eating and Healthy "Fat Loss" Eating
A common misconception amongst dieters is distinguishing the difference between healthy eating and healthy "fat loss" eating. Agreed, many antioxidant fruits and free radical fighting vegetables are beneficial to the human body but in most case their calorific values spill over the restrictions that should be in place for a fat burning environment.
Calorie dense carbohydrate vegetables such as yams and potatoes should be restricted to the earlier portion of the day so you have adequate time to burn off the energy that is stored in these foods. For obvious reasons if these calories aren't utilized through physical movement you can bet your bottom dollar that the insulation covering those asphyxiated abs will get even thicker than Joe Weider's wallet.
Step 2: Keep Clear Of Anything That Ends With "ose"
"An apple a day keeps the dentist/doctor away" are words that have been echoed for years by health conscious parents trying to educate children that fruit is good for our bodies.
This bears true for the most part but the fructose found in fruits is an insulin spiking ingredients which bear the similar consequences of eating table sugar—you can get fat. Sucrose (table sugar), Lactose (sugar found in milk) and fructose (sugar found in fruit) are all adversary's that should be eradicated from the fat loss battle field to be victorious of soldier worthy six packs.
Step 3: Eat Heartily Whilst Accumulating Less Calories
A pizza and coke can add up to the whole daily requirement of calories in one sitting, now if you tried to splurge on the equal amount of calories by eating chicken and salad you may feel as sick as a bulimic sufferer after consuming a double Big Mac meal, therefore with these kind of healthy food options you can eat heartedly my friends.
Every time the body is stressed with the burden of digesting food the core temperature raises mimicking a thermogenic effect. Much like a kettle element heating up, this requires energy or in our case—calories.
In essence, every time we eat we are burning fat so it makes sense for us to eat small, low calorie foods at frequent intervals to provide an environment where the body can burn fat much more efficiently.
Step 4: Eat Right For Your Type
Various foods can affect the body differently for various blood types so I recommend eating right for you type. Some foods can prove as beneficial, neutral or high on the avoid list so I would suggest purchasing the book "eat right for you type" and incorporate some of the beneficial and neutral foods whilst eradicating the "avoid" nutrients.
I have trained many clients that are almost in contest condition for a bodybuilding show only they are covered in thin layer of fat and/or water and as soon as I exchanged chicken for fish—e.g. b blood type, the striations that were there all along started to reveal themselves. Try this for several weeks and you may be surprised on your positive mental and physical transformation.
Relationships Between Blood Types
Blood Type | Can Donate Blood To | Can Receive Blood From |
A | A, AB | A, O |
B | B, AB | B, O |
AB | AB | AB, O |
O | A, B, AB, O | O |
Step 5: Eat Fat To Lose Fat
The speed in which the body digests food can result in an insulin spike and an overload of calories to be transported into fat. The correct fats have a role that can prove very beneficial to the dieter if consumed in the right amount at the right time and for this purpose I recommend Flaxseed oil.
Flaxseed oil taken with carbohydrates can slow down the digestion of these calories entering the blood stream thus minimizing the risk of fat inducing insulin spikes. One teaspoon is recommended for an individual that is under 20% body fat whilst ½ spoon is advised for people who are over this amount.
This can be added to meals as a dressing or can be added to your favorite protein shakes. When purchasing Flaxseed oil, be sure to choose one that requires refrigeration and is packaged in a dark bottle to prevent light damage.
View Flax Seed Products Sorted By Top Sellers Here.
- NOW Presents: Golden Flax Meal
- Natrol Presents: Flax Seed Oil
Step 6: Glycemic Index
The Glycemic Index is the chart that measures the rate a calorie is released into the body. This should also be adhered to in order to minimize the possibility of an unwanted insulin spike. Carbohydrates are the nutrients that should be chosen carefully from the Index chart below in order to fully benefit from the foods that can assist you with your weight loss potential.
Desirable Foods | Moderately Desirable | Less Desirable Foods |
Breads: Cereals: Pasta, Grains and Starchy Vegetables: Milk Products: Meats: |
Breads: Cereals: Pasta, Grains and Starchy Vegetables: Milk Products: Fruit: Meats: |
Breads: Cereals: Pasta, Grains and Starchy Vegetables: Milk Products: Fruit: Meats: |
If you combine the six step ingredients that I have listed above and providing that the correct exercise program is in place, there is no reason that you can't concoct a fat free physical appearance this summer worthy to show off your efforts and discipline. Remember, the world is full of excuses, you just need to exchange them all for the only ones advised in Good luck!