Cherry, Pistachio, And Salmon Quinoa Salad
Sarah B. Kesseli
Sarah B. Kesseli
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420 Calories
31 g Carbs
34 g Protein
18 g Fat
Total Time
1 serving

This quick dish is packed with protein. Because it has more calories and carbs than you may want in a regular meal, it makes for a perfect post-workout snack. It's delicious warm or cold, so you can pack it with you anywhere!


  • 4 oz salmon fillet
  • ½ cup quinoa, cooked
  • tbsp dried cherries
  • 2 tbsp light pistachio nuts
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  • salt and pepper to taste

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  1. Warm quinoa in a bowl.
  2. Add flaked fish to quinoa.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix together vinegar and mustard.
  4. Dress quinoa and salmon with mixture.
  5. Stir in cherries and pistachios.

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