Personal Trainer Of The Month - Brian Dobson!

Congratulations Brian Dobson on being our Personal Trainer Of The Month! Brian was awarded the Personal Trainer of the Month for his hardcore health and fitness contributions that he provides for his clients!

Congratulations Brian Dobson on being our Personal Trainer Of The Month! Brian was awarded the Personal Trainer of the Month for his hardcore health and fitness contributions that he provides for his clients!

    arrow Check Out Brian Dobson's BodySpace Profile Here.

Vital Stats

Age: 52
Location: Arlington, Texas
Phone: 817-465-9331

Number Of Clients:

    I don't like to train more than 10 a day one on one. It is very hard to truly motivate when you train more than that. My workouts are hardcore and intense, and I want to give them my all. Plus I still train hard myself.

    If I train more than 10 plus training myself, it is too much if I'm going to give my all to the client. When I see the videos of some of the so-called gurus passively counting reps as their clients prepare for a pro show I ask myself why?


    Gym membership is $30 a month. One-on-one personal training is $75 for single sessions or $200 for 5 paid in advance. This must be used up in 2 weeks.

    Internet training is $150 for 1 month. Progress is judged through bi-weekly pics if doing bodybuilding contest prep. I need current routines, diets and goals before startup.


[ Q ] Could you tell us a little about your background - personally and professionally?

    I am a born again Christian, married to my beautiful wife Brandi and have 3 kids: Brandon (28), Danika (17) and Cassadie (14).

    I started training hard at a very young age and could bench 385 lbs by the time I graduated high school. I was definitely addicted to iron at a young age and started competing at 18, back then we were considered freaks and were not generally accepted.

I Was Definitely Addicted To Iron At A Young Age And Started Competing At 18.
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I Was Definitely Addicted To Iron At
A Young Age And Started Competing At 18.

    Contests were in high school gyms with light bulbs hung from a basketball rim. A good crowd was 75 people. Things were different back then, most folks relied on hard training, not enhancement - big difference from today.

    The physiques from the 60's and 70's were built from intense training, not enhancement. This is where I came from so I have always followed the hardcore way, after growing up watching Tom Platz train to the death on every body part, especially his legs.

    I remember he would do 2 sets of squats after warm-up to failure twice a week. The best I ever saw him do was a 425 lb high bar; no wraps, just a little thin belt all the way to the floor for 28 reps. After watching those workouts I really couldn't train any other way but hardcore, intense and crazy.

    As a young man I fell into the nightclub world of easy money and good hours for training. I didn't just bounce but also worked the bar and managed.

    I Really Couldn't Train Any Other Way But Hardcore, Intense And Crazy.
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    I Really Couldn't Train Any Other
    Way But Hardcore, Intense And Crazy.

    I really enjoyed bartending as it paid very well with my tips and I would sleep until noon, eat a huge meal, train a couple hours, eat again and go to work. Most night club folks were very undisciplined and it was easy to get to the top of wherever I worked.

    The downside is it also got me into the dark side of drugs, women and alcohol. After 10 years in the devil's business I got married and changed my ways. I started buying weights and equipment at garage sales and auctions with the goal of opening my own hardcore facility which I was able to do after about a year of this.

[ Q ] When and why did you become a trainer?

    When I opened up Metroflex in 1987 there was no such job in our part of Texas titled personal trainer. There was however some who helped bodybuilders prepare for shows. I personally enjoyed doing my own contest prep and didn't ever see a need for a trainer.

RELATED VIDEO: Metroflex Gym
See The Power!

Listen in as Brian Dobson, Robert E. Lee, Jen Cook, Danielle Alexander, Monty Burton, Richard Harren and others show you what training at a real hardcore gym is really like!
Watch More From This Series Here.

    I could never let someone train me who wasn't also a hardcore athlete. Of course when all the personal trainers started banking I didn't turn down the folks who wanted that service. And that has now grown into a good supplemental business.

[ Q ] What is your training style? What methods do you use?

    I use whatever method is applicable to the clients' goal. In bodybuilding I use everyway imaginable from the Dorian Yates low volume/high intensity way to the Arnold, high volume double split method and everything in between.

    For powerlifting I use a lot of the old methods from the 70's and early 80's that I saw many of the old greats use with success, plus what I learned and used with success myself. I also add in the Westside barbell methods that I have used with great success. I enjoy the variety/intensity and volume of the Westside way - chains, bands, speed work, etc.

    For MMA and football players I incorporate powerlifting methods, strongman training, sled work, speed work and explosive moves. I have also learned from one of my members/trainers and contributor Josh Bryant. He is by far our most certified trainer at Metroflex.

I Use Whatever Method Is Applicable To The Clients' Goal.
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I Use Whatever Method Is
Applicable To The Clients' Goal.

    Josh is a true strength athlete and certified by the NSCA-CSCS, ISSA-SPN, SSC, CFT, MFS, NASM-PES, and NASE-SSE - You can visit Josh's website at

    The biggest common denominator is all is done hardcore and high intensity. That is what makes a real champ - intensity. It drives me nuts to see a genetic freak just go through the motions and get 21" arms.

    Great genetics and pharmacology go a long way but when those guys turn hardcore and get crazy you see men like Ronnie Coleman in his prime.

Brian & 8-Time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman.
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Brian & 8-Time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman.

[ Q ] Do you have examples of success stories from clients using your methods?

    My best success stories are 8-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman and Branch Warren. They both totally represent the methods of training I believe in and I have worked with both of them more times than I can remember. Branch still pays me to train him but not full time. I also train with him whenever he doesn't have a big entourage.

    Ronnie still follows the same training methods we used in the 90's as he grew into an unstoppable force. In fact he is in the gym hitting his back right now as I write this. It's about 120 degrees in the gym today (107 outside), but Big Ron is still busting it out hardcore. I can hear "Lightweight Baby!".

Branch Warren At Metroflex Gym. Branch Warren At Metroflex Gym.
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Branch Warren At Metroflex Gym.

[ Q ] Did you have Ronnie Coleman, Johnnie Jackson and Branch Warren all follow the same training style?

    Sure, they are all hardcore pitbull warrior athletes.

[ Q ] What are the most common mistakes a client makes?

    Not believing in the program and asking other trainers. This is especially common in bodybuilders as they get close to a show.

    This game isn't rocket science. Train harder, do more cardio, eat less calories, clean out all unnatural food, keep fat intake low, carbs moderate from natural starchy sources and protein high (2 grams per pound of body weight).

    Do this and you will start to get what you are looking for. Of course there are last minute things for final prep. You can also do the higher fat, high protein lower carb approach. Just believe in whatever methods you choose to use.

[ Q ] What are the most common mistakes you believe a trainer makes?

    Getting full of themselves and thinking they know it all. We can all learn new ideas.

[ Q ] How do you keep your clients motivated?

    Seriously, I train at Metroflex - the original old-school hardcore facility - motivation isn't a problem. If a client is down we will say a prayer and ask the Lord for strength.

RELATED VIDEO: Metroflex Gym
Grunting In The Gym!

Listen in as Brian Dobson, owner of Metroflex Gym, discusses grunting in the gym, lifting music, the trap (hex) bar, chains, and sled conditioning!
Watch More From This Series Here.

[ Q ] Do you train a male client differently to a female?

    I really don't train many females. I stay away from figure and bikini gals out of respect for my wife. The girls that I train are athletes, bodybuilders, fighters, powerlifters, etc., and they are trained pretty much the same, but most are tougher than the boys.

[ Q ] How do you start a client on a new program? Do you do some kind of assessment?

    Not really, common sense prevails. I'm not going to beat down some out-of-shape pencil pusher. So will start slow and build up rapidly towards the goal.

    In general, if you come to train with me you better be ready to get it on baby!

If You Come To Train With Me You Better Be Ready To Get It On Baby!
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If You Come To Train With Me You
Better Be Ready To Get It On Baby!

[ Q ] What makes your style of training so successful and why has it produced so many champions?

    I believe that God almighty has anointed me to be a champion maker. As long as we glorify him he will continue to bless.

    Some people say the only reason I am known is because of Ronnie. However, I believe the relationship between Ronnie and myself was a divine appointment. Although neither one of us knew it at the time.

    And yes Ronnie and Branch are the most famous products of Metroflex but there are so, so many other greats, in so many different sports that have trained here.


[ Click here to learn more. ]
Ronnie Coleman Interview!
Ronnie Coleman discusses what bodybuilding has meant for him and how he has built an iron-forged legacy that will not be matched.
David Robson

    There are so many guys/gals whose lives were changed in a positive way it would take a book to display them all. Maybe I will write a book someday soon.

[ Q ] Do you feel just as much like a psychologist as you do a personal trainer?

    The gym and training folks are actually a ministry to me. God puts opportunities in front of all of us all the time, you just have to be aware and keep your head on a swivel as one of my best clients (NFL linebacker Anthony Schlegel) puts it.

    He kept his head on a swivel while playing, looking for opportunities to smash people. If you keep your head on a swivel looking for opportunities to minister/outreach to folks you will find they are always there.

The Gym And Training Folks Are Actually A Ministry To Me.
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The Gym And Training Folks
Are Actually A Ministry To Me.

[ Q ] Is there anything else you wish to add?

    I am honored and blessed by and just want to say to everyone: "Don't be defeated by a defeated devil. God is for you, not against you. Be a warrior and overcome in your training and all areas of your life. God bless y'all and stay hardcore."

    arrow Check Out Brian Dobson's BodySpace Profile Here.

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