Military Bodybuilder Of The Month: Hector Mendoza

A military life is demanding, but despite the long hours and limited equipment Hector is still getting the physique he wants. He's army strong, are you?

Name: Hector A. Mendoza
Age: 31
Height: 6'0 (72")
Weight: 245
Years Bodybuilding: 2+
BodySpace: pappa0901

Military Background:
Branch Of Service: Army
Years Of Service: 9 years
Rank: SSG
MOS: 21B Combat Engineer

How Did You Get Started?

In 2007, a friend of mine said straight-out, "You use to be bigger what happen to you, your arms are getting small or something." I was deeply shocked at what was said that day. The next day, I went to the gym right after work, I really didn't know much about bodybuilding. I only know what the Army considers to be exercises to them.

There wasn't any arm training or leg training, just muscular endurance and cardio. I performed circuit training for the whole body, given to me by the local personal trainer that worked at the gym on post. I saw some results as they were being posted on my profile page. I saw plenty of improvements but wasn't completely satisfied with what I saw.

I was taking in Creatine by MuscleTech and experimented with different proteins but wasn't gaining the size I really wanted. I browsed through magazines but didn't "read between the lines" about calorie intake, carb intake, things of that nature. I moved to Camp Casey Korea and put weight lifting on hold due to training (up-tempo) when I got there.

Once field exercises were done for the year, I began hitting the gym again and hard. I came across some articles about calorie intake/protein intake estimated amounts. I would read it once then again to make sure that I understood it, and again so on and so forth. I began cooking my own food with more protein intake but not so much on the carbs. Why? I don't know, I just was being stubborn.

This combat engineer knows how to construct a battle-ready body.

I motivated myself watching Blood and Guts with Dorian Yates, and clips of Kai Greene training with Charles Glass prepping for the Arnold Classic. Made a schedule and picked exercises from what I saw online, Mon-Fri, this time to this time. I saw much better improvements then what I saw before, again pics posted on my profile page.

Once I returned to the States, I experimented with a weight gainer and added more scoops of protein, finally saw the improvements that I wanted, due to deployment right now and the very limited weight equipment that I have access to right now I can do only so much.

What Is The Hardest Part Of Making The Transition From Civilian Life To Military Life?

Wow, where do I start? I want to say that basic was a culture shock to me. I grew up in a small border town in Arizona, only knowing Hispanic. I knew there were other ethnicities due to tourists and TV. When I got to Basic Training, I was just shocked. The different backgrounds that everyone had, I was overwhelmed.

Second just moving around so much made me homesick, but it's not so bad now. Moving around the States and the world kind of grew on me. I'm on my 5th overseas tour. 2 Korea tours, 1 Iraq, and this is my 2nd Afghanistan tour.

Are those muscles Standard Issue, soldier?

What Is The Biggest Obstacle In Leading A Military Lifestyle?

Time off. You never know when you get it, including weekends. Most of the time, we do get them. When there's training, suck it up and deal with it.

What Workout Plan Worked Best For You?

Day 1: Chest

  • Incline Press Incline Press

    Incline Press

    2 warm-up sets of 15, 10 reps, 3 working sets of 8 reps, 6 reps, and to failure
  • Chest Press Chest Press

    Chest Press

    2 warm-up sets of 15, 10 reps, 2 working sets of 8, 6 reps
  • Chest Flyes Chest Flyes

    Chest Flyes

    3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps
  • Decline Bench Press Decline Bench Press

    Decline Bench Press

    3 sets of 8, 6, 12 or failure
  • Dips Dips


    3 sets to failure

Day 2: Legs

  • Leg Extensions Leg Extensions

    Leg Extensions

    4 sets of 15, 10, 8, 8 reps
  • Squats Squats


    2 warm up sets of 15, 10 reps, 4 working sets of 8, 8, 8, 6 reps
  • Walking Weighted Lunges Walking Weighted Lunges

    Walking Weighted Lunges

    3 sets of half basketball court out and back
  • Single Leg Curls Single Leg Curls

    Single Leg Curls

    4 sets of 12, 8, 6, 6 reps
  • Romanian Deadlift Romanian Deadlift

    Romanian Deadlift

    3 sets of 10, 10, 8 reps

Day 3: Shoulders

  • Barbell Shoulder Press Barbell Shoulder Press

    Barbell Shoulder Press

    2 warm-up sets of 15, 10 reps, 3 working sets of 8, 6, 12 reps
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shoulder Press

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press

    3 sets of 15, 10, 8 reps
  • Seated Side Laterals Seated Side Laterals

    Seated Side Laterals

    4 sets of 10, 10, 8, 6 reps
  • Dumbbell Lying Rear Lateral Raise Dumbbell Lying Rear Lateral Raise

    Dumbbell Lying Rear Lateral Raise

    4 sets of 10, 10, 8, 8 reps
  • Seated Rear Lateral Raise Seated Rear Lateral Raise

    Seated Rear Lateral Raise

    5 sets of 15 reps
  • Barbell Shoulder Shrugs Barbell Shoulder Shrugs

    Barbell Shoulder Shrugs

    4 sets of 10 reps

Day 4: Back

  • Gironda Sternum Chins Gironda Sternum Chins

    Gironda Sternum Chins

    3 sets to failure
  • Lat Pulldown Lat Pulldown

    Lat Pulldown

    3 sets of 10 reps
  • Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows

    Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows

    2 warm-up sets of 15, 10 reps, 3 working sets of 8, 6, failure
  • Seated Cable Rows Seated Cable Rows

    Seated Cable Rows

    4 sets of 10, 8, 8, 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Row

    Dumbbell Row

    3 sets of 10, 8, failure
  • Barbell Curl Barbell Curl

    Barbell Curl

    3 sets of 10 reps

Day 5: Arms

  • Barbell Curl Barbell Curl

    Barbell Curl

    2 warm-up sets of 15, 10 reps, 3 working sets of 8, 6, failure
  • Close-Grip Bench Press Close-Grip Bench Press

    Close-Grip Bench Press

    2 warm-up sets of 15, 10 reps, 3 working sets of 8, 6, failure
  • Dumbbell Curl Dumbbell Curl

    Dumbbell Curl

    4 drop sets to failure
  • Lying Close-Grip Triceps Extension Behind The Head Lying Close-Grip Triceps Extension Behind The Head

    Lying Close-Grip Triceps Extension Behind The Head

    4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8 reps
  • Seated Incline Curls Seated Incline Curls

    Seated Incline Curls

    3 sets of 8 reps
  • Triceps Pressdowns Rope Triceps Pressdowns Rope

    Triceps Pressdowns Rope

    3 sets of 8 reps
  • Reverse Grip Pressdowns Reverse Grip Pressdowns

    Reverse Grip Pressdowns

    3 sets of 8 reps
  • Spider Curls Spider Curls

    Spider Curls

    2 sets to failure
  • Dips Dips


    2 sets to failure

Day 6 And 7: Off

    The Army has Mendoza's back—
    they got their work cut out for them.

    What Nutrition Plan Has Worked Best For You?

    Due to my shift being at night, I have to get whatever I can get my hands on.

    Meal 1:

    • Muscle Juice 2544

      Muscle Juice 2544

      1/2 serving Calories: 510
      Fats: 8.5 Grams| Protein 27.5 Grams| Carbs 81 Grams

    • Optimum Whey

      Optimum Whey

      2 servings Calories: 260
      Fats: 3 Grams| Protein 48 Grams| Carbs 8 Grams

    • Milk Fat-Free

      Milk Fat-Free

      12 oz Calories: 123
      Fats: 572 Milligrams| Protein 12 Grams| Carbs 17 Grams

    Meal 2:

    • Chicken Or Beef

      Chicken Or Beef

      4-8 oz Calories: 253-506
      Fats: 13-26 Grams| Protein 30-59 Grams| Carbs 2-4 Grams

    • Pasta Or Rice

      Pasta Or Rice

      4-8 oz Calories: 166-332
      Fats: 617-1000 Milligrams| Protein 7-14 Grams| Carbs 33-66 Grams

    • Juice


      8 oz Calories: 105
      Fats: 348 Milligrams| Protein 2 Grams| Carbs 25 Grams

    Meal 3:

    • Chicken Or Beef

      Chicken Or Beef

      4-8 oz Calories: 253-506
      Fats: 13-26 Grams| Protein 30-59 Grams| Carbs 2-4 Grams

    • Pasta Or Rice

      Pasta Or Rice

      4-8 oz Calories: 166-332
      Fats: 617-1000 Milligrams| Protein 7-14 Grams| Carbs 33-66 Grams

    • Juice


      8 oz Calories: 105
      Fats: 348 Milligrams| Protein 2 Grams| Carbs 25 Grams

    Meal 4:

    • Eggs


      4 oz Calories: 180
      Fats: 13 Grams| Protein 13 Grams| Carbs 1 Grams

    • Potato Hash

      Potato Hash

      4 oz Calories: 193
      Fats: 12 Grams| Protein 10 Grams| Carbs 11 Grams

    • Biscuit


      1 Calories: 168
      Fats: 6 Grams| Protein 4 Grams| Carbs 24 Grams

    • Bacon


      4 oz Calories: 605
      Fats: 46 Grams| Protein 42 Grams| Carbs 2 Grams

    • Muscle Juice 2544

      Muscle Juice 2544

      1/2 serving Calories: 510
      Fats: 8.5 Grams| Protein 27.5 Grams| Carbs 81 Grams

    • Optimum Whey

      Optimum Whey

      2 servings Calories: 260
      Fats: 3 Grams| Protein 48 Grams| Carbs 8 Grams

    • Milk Fat-Free

      Milk Fat-Free

      12 oz Calories: 123
      Fats: 572 Milligrams| Protein 12 Grams| Carbs 17 Grams

    What Supplements Have Given You The Greatest Gains?

    I've experimented with many different supplements; this is the combination that worked best for me:

    Daily Supplement Plan

    • Muscle Juice 2544

      Muscle Juice 2544

      1 servings total throughout day

    • Optimum Whey

      Optimum Whey

      4 servings total throughout day

    • Universal Animal Stak

      Universal Animal Stak

      1 serving with Meal 1, 1 serving with Meal 4

    • MHP T-Bomb II

      MHP T-Bomb II

      3 tabs with Meal 1, 3 tabs post-workout

    • CytoSport Muscle Milk

      CytoSport Muscle Milk

      1 serving pre-workout and 1 scoop during workout

    • Gaspari SuperPump 250

      Gaspari SuperPump 250

      1 serving with 8oz water pre-workout

    • Controlled Labs Purple Wraath

      Controlled Labs Purple Wraath

      1 serving with 12oz water post-workout

    What Are Your Future Bodybuilding Plans?

    My future plans for bodybuilding include starting to compete when I get back after deployment, working on my weak points as best as possible, put on a solid 10-15 pounds while deployed and get in my gym again.

    "This [body] We'll Defend."

    Who Are Your Favorite Bodybuilders?

    Kai Greene, Dorian Yates, Branch Warren, Lee Priest, Franco Columbu, Mike Matarazzo, and Tom Platz.

    What One Tip Would You Give Other Bodybuilders In The Military?

    Eat up, rest, and train harder than the next guy who's just checking himself out in the mirror after 5 reps (posers)

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