Ask anyone about their motivation for entering a gym for the first time, and their answer will be some variation on "better-looking arms."

That goes for women, too--not just guys who saw Predator for the first time and were heading off to sign up for their gym membership before the monster had finished eating one of the guys for lunch.

Triceps tend to sag, not only on housewives and old ladies but also on young chicks with arms like toothpicks. Sure, you can cover them up with a long-sleeve shirt, but, hey, what's the fun in that in the long run?

If you're like me, you'd rather get yolked and ready to strike a double biceps pose!

I'm known for my biceps, but did you know I used to detest training them? Until I walked onto a bodybuilding stage for the first time in my life and realized I had the puniest biceps in the world! No wonder--I had been treating them like something the cat dragged in. I felt as if a good biceps workout was picking up the 15s and playing around with them until I was bored ... and I got bored fast. My results were terrible.

That was the end of my lackluster biceps work. I started working arms twice per week, but HARD and HEAVY. One year later I had impressive arms and then they became one of my signature muscle groups.

With this being said, before diving into my all-time best workout, I'd love to give you five pointers on how not to waste your time in the gym. Here you go:

1. Arm muscles may be small but they're not weak

Think about it--they're capable of knocking down annoying people and pulling what you want toward you. So treat them like the badass muscles they are! Step away from the convenient machines and fancy handles, grab a pair of challenging dumbbells and barbells, and get to work.

2. If you truly want to expand your tape measurement, elevate arm training high on your priority list

Make sure to avoid working your upper body (except for abs) on the day before and the day after your arms session. Your muscles need to be fresh and ready to rock the boat without having had to assist bigger muscle groups like back and chest 24 hours prior to their own session.

3. Know when to cheat

It's okay to do so when you know why you're doing it and how. The foundation of your workouts will always be built on strict execution, but remember Pablo Picasso? He may have painted the craziest works of art imaginable, but trust me--he knew how to do it according to the schoolbook too!

So focus on training with great form, but when you fatigue, make use of your strong body with some body language. It's okay to swing just a bit, just as long as you're aware of what can go wrong if you lose focus. You're playing with the devil when you overload your muscles, with injury lurking just around the corner. So treat cheating with the utmost respect and proceed with caution.

4. Forget about high reps for toning or burning fat

That won't give you anything but the same old situation! Your muscles grow the fastest when challenged with 4 to 12 reps per set. Don't ever go to 12 reps and say, "Oh, hey, is it over already?" That means you didn't push hard enough!

5. Growing bis and tris takes not only training but also anabolic nutrition

The workouts "signal" the body to start growing, but it can't initiate the process without proper food. A great way to boost muscle growth is to start drinking your post-workout shake before your workout, and finish it when you're done. You tend to release less of the catabolic hormone cortisol when you bookend your workouts with carbs and protein.

So there you have it! Do this arm workout once a week, and kiss flabby arms goodbye!

The "You Want Guns?" Regimen

Workout 1: Supersets - Antagonistic Muscles

Choose any day, as long as you didn't train upper body 24 hours before or after, and as long as you're at least 2 days removed from your other arms workout.

For supersets, perform 1 set of the first exercise followed immediately by 1 set of the second. Rest 30 seconds. Repeat. After finishing those 4 supersets, rest 60 seconds and repeat for the next 2 exercises. The exercises in each superset should be for opposing muscle groups. In this case biceps and triceps.

Workout 1: Antagonistic Muscles
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
4 sets, 12 reps (no rest)
+ 2 more exercises


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Workout Two: Compound Sets - Same Muscle Groups

Choose any day, as long as you didn't train upper body 24 hours before or after, and as long as you're at least 2 days removed from your other arms workout.

For compound sets, perform one set of the first exercise followed immediately by one set of the second. Rest 30 seconds. Repeat. After finishing those 4 supersets, rest 60 seconds and repeat for the next two exercises. The exercises in compound sets should be for the same muscle group. In this case two triceps exercises are combined followed by a combination of biceps exercises.

Workout 2: Same Muscles
Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension
4 sets, 6 reps (no rest)
+ 2 more exercises


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  • View our enormous library of workout photos and see exactly how each exercise should be done before you give it a shot.

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About the Author

Pauline Nordin

Pauline Nordin

Pauline Nordin is a top international fitness model and personality.

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