Full-Spectrum Strong: How The Army's Elite Training Manual Can Help You

Modern warfare takes modern training, so the Army called in the best in the world to rewrite the manual.

Five years ago, Major Mark Ivezaj went searching for a better training program for the men under his command in Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, one of the most elite units in the U.S. Army. He found that program and more under the guidance of world-class powerlifter Matt Wenning, who at the time was training at legendary Westside Barbell in Columbus, OH. Wenning transformed Ivezaj's Rangers into a stronger, more athletic group of soldiers while also reducing injuries by an astounding 64 percent.

But why stop with the Rangers?

Ivezaj is currently operations officer for the 4th Infantry Division, 4th Brigade Combat Team at Fort Carson, Colorado, a unit with a non-deployable injury rate of 18 percent. This number needs to go down, and fitness levels across the board need to be brought closer to those of the Alpha Company Rangers. "Current Army fitness doctrine and facilities," says Ivezaj, "do not prepare soldiers sufficiently to conduct full-spectrum operations in general, and specifically in the mountains of Afghanistan."

Before fitness and acting, Kyle Clark served as a U.S. Army Combat Engineer

Based on Wenning's success with Alpha Company, the Army contracted him to create a similar routine for 4-4 IBCT that's been dubbed the Mountain Athlete Warrior program. The idea is to find a better alternative to the Army's obsolete physical training regimen, and to create a formidable force of elite athlete soldiers to populate the United States military.


The MAW program combines multiple training styles to create a more well-rounded athlete. Think of it as a buffet line at a cafeteria. Some items you'll put on your tray. Others you'll leave for someone else. "How we select from that cafeteria," says Wenning, "is not by choosing things we like, but by choosing things we need."

Effective soldiers need many things. The balance and endurance to climb up the side of a mountain on uneven terrain. The overall speed and athleticism to sprint quickly during battle, duck and cover, then sprint again. The strength and power to drag an injured soldier 100 yards or more to safety. The MAW program addresses these areas in three-week cycles, with a different emphasis each week.

WEEK ONE (Stability):

Exercise difficulty increases through adding some form of instability to the mix, whether it's dangling kettlebells from elastic bands, performing one-legged movements to compromise balance, or both.

WEEK TWO (Strength):

The surfaces and resistances are no longer unstable, but the weights are as heavy as you can handle. Highlights of this phase include one-rep maxes in the deadlift, and three-rep bench press maxes.

WEEK THREE (Conditioning):

The exercises here aren't difficult because of the amount of weight being used, but because of the number of reps prescribed: dragging sleds non-stop for two minutes, and 50-rep sets of box squats, for example.

The fourth week is an unloading period where volume and intensity decrease. "It lets the body recover and 'soak in,' so to speak, all the new stimuli we've applied," says Wenning. After this, the program starts over again at Week One, using the same philosophies but different exercises.


The Army is using the best methods known to man

The MAW system borrows from several different schools of training—powerlifting, bodybuilding, and even CrossFit, but it's much more calculated than simply combining different styles in random fashion. "Everything in the program has a distinctive purpose," says Wenning. "Nothing is there as a space filler."

Wenning designed the workouts using feedback from officers and enlisted personnel to address those military-specific skills that needed to be developed. They also provided statistical injury analyses of the most common causes of medical disability among soldiers—namely their shoulders, lower back and knees. Problems that, if minimized, could potentially save the military a substantial amount of money in addition to improving battlefield performance.

The program can easily be individualized based on soldiers' fitness levels and training experience. The sample workouts starting on page 84 are for more advanced athletes, but Wenning implements beginner and intermediate versions. which entail lower volume and intensity, as soldiers work their way up to elite status. In other words, workouts are adjusted to the individual, not the other way around.

A lack of necessary training equipment, even when troops are deployed, won't be an issue. According to Ivezaj, the MAW program is designed to be "fully functional" without a fitness center in an "austere environment." Each company will have an MAW equipment package that follows them wherever they go, contained in a storage pod. This includes everything soldiers need to get their workouts in: barbells, bumper plates, plyometric boxes, kettlebells, tires and sleds.

One thing you won't see a lot of in this program is long-distance running, which was an Army staple for decades that's being replaced by exercises like tire flips, kettlebell swings, and sled drags. These activities combine speed with added resistance, mimicking the demands of modern-day warfare better than jogging in a T-shirt and shorts.

Thanks in part to Wenning, the antiquated Army Physical Fitness Test could very well disappear in the near future. The APFT is the traditional measuring stick of military fitness, consisting of a two-mile run, two minutes of push-ups, and two minutes of sit-ups. In changing these parameters to include a more thorough evaluation of strength, power and speed, soldiers will be required to become better all-around athletes.

"Being quick with equipment will require lifts of 2.5 times body weight on squats and deadlifts, and a minimum of 1.5 times body weight on bench press to ensure enough mass, ligament, and tendon strength to support proper speed training," says Ivezaj, providing a glimpse of what a new and improved APFT might encompass. "A 400-pound deadlift should be average among soldiers."

"What we're trying to do with these workouts," says Wenning, "is not only to design a program that's smarter, but something that's way more transferable than the old days of running two miles and doing push-ups and sit-ups. That stuff just doesn't help on the battlefield anymore. Why use a dated system when we can use something that's better and more performance oriented, and treat the guys like athletes rather than just plain soldiers? The Army is training smarter now, and utilizing the best methods known to man."


Below is a 3-week sample of the MAW program. Exercise variations are introduced every four weeks. "This is really an example of how you could lay it out," Wenning says. "We want the soldiers to think for themselves. They're going to walk into a weight room-whether they're overseas or at another gym-and some of this equipment may not be available, so they're going to have to learn to improvise."

Warm-up/dynamic flexibility, then sled dragging 6x80 yards with 135 pounds; rest only as long as needed.

Step-Up [ with
double-looped kettlebells ]
3 40 sec 90 sec AHAP

Dumbbell Single- Leg Stiff-Legged Deadlift 3 10 90 sec 45-50 lbs

Standing Cable Crunch 3 20 1 min AHAP

Dumbbell Single-Leg Squat 3 6 90 sec 20 lbs

Stretch For 10 Minutes

6 hours later: sled dragging 6x50 yards with 200 pounds


Fat Bar Bench
[with kettlebells
hanging from
2 2 2-4 min AHAP

Dumbbell Bench Press 2 AMAP 2 min 25 lbs

Dumbbell Bent-Over Row 3 10 1 min AHAP

Triceps Rope Push-down 4 AMAP 1 min MODERATE

Standing Rear Delt Row
[wide bar, pull
to chin]
4 20 1 min 70 lbs

External Rotation
[rotator cuff]
2 15 seconds 1 min 2.5-5 lbs

*Work up gradually to your 2RM, doing two-rep sets until reaching failure.

Kettlebell Swing 3 1 min 1 min 70 lbs

Standing Rear Delt Row [rope, pull to forehead] 3 20 1 min 60 lbs

Hamstring Curl 2 AMAP 1 min 100 lbs

Walk with 40- to 70-pound pack for 30 minutes at 3mph
AHAP > As heavy as possible
AMAP > As many as possible
Warm-up/dynamic flexibility, then sled dragging 4x40 yards with 150 pounds; rest only as long as needed.

Deadlift with Bands * 1 2-4 min AHAP

Dumbbell Single- Leg Stiff-Legged Deadlift 3 10 2 min 30-50 lbs

Standing Cable Crunch [wide stance] 3 20 1 min AHAP

Reverse Hyperextension 3 10 2 min 120 lbs

*Work up gradually to your 1RM, doing one-rep sets until reaching failure.

PNF Stretch for 10 minutes

6 hours later: Tire flipping for 5 minutes straight


Floor Bench Press * 3/AMAP 2-4 min AHAP/50%3RM*

Lat Pull-down [wide grip] 4 12 1 min AHAP

Triceps Rope Push-down 3 1 min 1 min MODERATE

Standing Rear Delt Row [wide bar, pull to chin] 4 20 1 min 70 lbs

External Rotation
[rotator cuff]
2 15 1 min 2.5-5 lbs

*Work up gradually to your 3RM, doing one-rep sets until reaching failure. Then, do one set to failure with 50% of your 3RM weight.
Thursday [OFF]
Stretching and light activity only
Try to complete this workout in 15 to 20 minutes to push your heart rate.

Kettlebell Swing 2 75 sec 1 min 60-80 lbs

Standing Rear Delt Row [rope, pull to forehead] 3 20 1 min 60 lbs

Hamstring Curl 2 AMAP 1 min 100 lbs

30-minute partner carries or dragging 2x100 yards
Warm-up/dynamic flexibility, then sled dragging 2x2 minutes with 210 pounds; drag the entire 2 minutes nonstop.

Box Squat
[safety bar
with chains]
2 50 1 min 80 lbs

Glute-Ham Raise Roman Chair Sit-Up [with barbell on back] 3 40 sec 1 min LIGHT

Stretch for 10 minutes

Stair walking for 20 minutes with 65-pound pack; do as many flights as possible in that time.

Bench Press 1 100 - 65-80 lbs

Lat Pull-down [narrow grip] 4 12 1 min AHAP

Cable Overhead Triceps Extension 3 AMAP 1 min MODERATE

Standing Rear Delt Row [wide bar, pull to chin] 4 20 1 min 70 lbs

External Rotation
[rotator cuff]
2 15 1 min 2.5-5 lbs

Stretching and light activity only
Try to complete this workout in 15 to 20 minutes to push your heart rate.

Cambered Bar Good Morning 3 20 2 min 120 lbs
Standing Rear Delt Row [rope, pull to forehead] 3 20 1 min 60 lbs
Hamstring Curl 2 AMAP 1 min 100 lbs
Glute-Ham Raise 3 8 1 min BODYWEIGHT
Tire flipping: 3x20 reps