Turkey Jalapeno Poppers
Kevin Alexander
Kevin Alexander
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41 Calories
2 g Carbs
6 g Protein
1 g Fat
Total Time
18 servings

Jalapeno poppers are central to every football-themed spread. Take this all-star, easy-to-follow dish to the next level by wrapping these spicy pepper bites in protein-rich turkey bacon. The addition of Greek yogurt and absence of fried, breaded coating make this a treat that's sure to bring the festivities to life for your taste buds. There's no faster way to get the party started!


  • ½ lb ground 99% fat-free turkey breast
  • 9 jalapeno peppers, halved
  • 9 strip low-sodium turkey bacon
  • 1 oz garlic, minced
  • ¾ cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
  • ⅓ cup goat cheese
  • ½ tbsp, ground oregano
  • 1 tsp dill
  • salt and pepper to taste

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  1. Fire up the grill. You want the temperature at least to 350 degrees F.
  2. Set a nonstick skillet on medium-high heat and spray lightly with a little coconut or olive oil. Toss in the red onions and garlic and cook until the onion becomes brown and somewhat translucent. Once that happens, toss in the lean ground turkey and cook. Use a wooden spatula to chop up the turkey as it cooks, breaking up any big clumps of meat.
  3. Slice the turkey bacon vertically in half in order to create two long, narrow strips from one slice of bacon. Repeat for all nine strips of bacon.
  4. Slice the jalapenos down the middle. Using a small spoon, carve out the insides and scrape away all of the white seeds. This step is especially important if you are making this for children or individuals who cannot handle spicy food.
  5. In a bowl, mix together ground turkey, Greek yogurt, goat cheese, and the seasonings.
  6. Using a spoon, fill each jalapeno half with the mixture, then wrap 1/2 slice of turkey bacon around it. Repeat.
  7. Place the poppers on a grill, with the mixture facing up, and allow them to grill for 23-25 minutes, until you see the edges of the jalapeno turn brown and the edges of the turkey bacon become crispier.
  8. Remove from the heat, and enjoy immediately!

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