Jack O'Lantern Ice Cream
Dr. Sara Solomon, BSc. PT, DMD
Dr. Sara Solomon, BSc. PT, DMD BSN
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208 Calories
27 g Carbs
15 g Protein
4 g Fat
Total Time
1 serving

OMG, this is seriously cute. The ice cream has a delicate flavor and looks fantastic in a little orange jack-o'-lantern. The recipe is really easy to double, triple, or even quadruple if you want to make more.


  • ½ scoop bSN Syntha-6 Peanut Butter Cookie Protein
  • 2 tbsp walden Farms Syrup
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 fruit (2-7/8" dia) orange
  • 2 tbsp nonfat plain Greek yogurt

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  1. Slice the top off an orange. Use a knife to slice around the inside of the orange peel, then scoop out the insides with a spoon.
  2. Blend orange flesh, almond milk, Greek yogurt, protein, and syrup together.
  3. Pour into an ice cream maker.
  4. Let freeze and churn for 15-20 minutes.
  5. While waiting, carve a face into the orange peel.
  6. Place finished ice cream inside empty orange peel.

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