What Is The Best Pyramid Workout?

What is the best pyramid workout? Our forum members have put together detailed information about the best pyramid workout, advantages, disadvantages, who would benefit and more. Try these out and let us know if they work! Read on ...

TOPIC: What Is The Best Pyramid Workout?

The Question:

Doing sets with the same weight every week cannot only get boring, but can actually lead to a plateau. A pyramid type of training can be perfect for huge muscle growth.

What is the best pyramid workout? Be specific.

What are some of the advantages of a pyramid workout?

What are some of the disadvantages?

Who would benefit the most from a pyramid workout?

Bonus Question: Do you use a pyramid workout or incorporate pyramid training ideas into your workout? How so?

Show off your knowledge to the world!

The Winners:


        1st place - 75 in store credit.

        2nd place - 50 in store credit.

1st Place - AKaramargin
View This Author's BodySpace Here.

What Is The Best Pyramid Workout?

There's no such thing as the "best pyramid workout," it is all trial and error. Sometimes something that didn't work for you 3 months ago will work a lot better now due to the fact that your muscles have adapted to the type of training you have consistently performed.

Changing the reps/weights going up the "pyramid" will all lead to changes your body must become adapt to. The more changes it endures, the faster it will grow. I love high volume type of pyramid workouts, but the more volume means the more calories you need to consume!

+ Click To Enlarge.
The More Changes Your Body Endures,
The Faster It Will Grow.

With a workout like this there's no such thing as overtraining, just under nutrition. Just make sure to treat even the lightest sets as if they're your heaviest. Muscle stimulation is what helps us grow.

A lot of people deal with percentages and what not to guess like what 50% of their max is and lift that. Who knows their max if they're constantly trying to grow!? I just make sure that every set is not to complete failure; only the LAST 1-2 work sets per exercise.

This is important so you do not overload your central nervous system. Now here is an example of a great pyramid/high volume workout(If you are a beginner, I would recommend cutting back 1-2 sets on each exercise, maybe even cut out an exercise or two)

One week I may do something like this for Chest/Triceps workout:

-> Workout A (Aimed For Gains In Strength/Mass)

Rest Between Sets (30 seconds on warm-ups, 1-3 minutes on work sets)
Rep Cadence (Down 2 up 1, Explosive positive, Controlled Negative, NO Rest top/bottom. I like to feel as if my body is a piston. Fast reps = greater force needed at the bottom of an exercise to explode upward = greater stimulation)

      • Flat Barbell Bench:
        Reps x Weight -
        20 x 45 (bar)
        10 x 115 (warm-up)
        8 x 135 (warm-up)
        6 x 155
        4 x 185
        2 x 205

      • Incline Barbell Bench:
        Reps x Weight -
        10 x 135
        8 x 155
        6 x 185

      • Decline Barbell Bench:
        Reps x Weight -
        10 x 135
        8 x 155
        6 x 185

      • Close Grip Barbell Bench:
        Reps x Weight -
        15 x 95
        12 x 115
        10-8 x 135
        8-6 x 145

      • Hammer Strength Dips:
        Reps x Weight -
        10 x Two 45s & two 25s (not including machines weight)
        8 x Four 45s
        6 x Six 45s

      • Overhead Triceps Extension:
        Reps x Weight -
        10 x 45
        8 x 55
        6 x 75

      • Tricep Kick-backs w/ DBs:
        Reps x Weight -
        15 x 20s
        12 x 25s
        12 x 30s
        12 x 40s

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout A.

-> Workout B (Aimed For Mass/Recuperation Of Tendons Due To Heavy Weight)

Rest Between Sets (30 seconds on warm-ups, 1-3 minutes on work sets)
Rep Cadence (Down 2 up 1, Explosive positive, Controlled Negative, NO Rest top/bottom. I like to feel as if my body is a piston. Fast reps = greater force needed at the bottom of an exercise to explode upwards = greater stimulation)

      • Flat Dumbbell Bench:
        Reps x Weight -
        20 x 25s
        15 x 40s
        12 x 55s
        10 x 70s
        8-10 x 75s

      • Incline Dumbbell Bench:
        Reps x Weight -
        15 x 45s
        12 x 55s
        8-10 x 70s

      • Decline Dumbbell Bench:
        Reps x Weight -
        15 x 45s
        12 x 55s
        8-10 x 70s

      • One-arm Overhead Triceps Dumbbell Extensions:
        Reps x Weight -
        15 x 15
        15 x 20
        12 x 30

      • Skullcrushers/Close Bench Superset:
        Reps x Weight -
        15(15) x 45
        12(12) x 50
        12(12) x 60

      • Tricep Push-downs:
        Reps x Weight -
        15 x 35
        12 x 55
        12 x 60
        10 x 75

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Workout B.

(Occasionally I will tack on another set to the exercises with only three sets, sometimes maybe a fourth exercise after my bench routines.)

So basically, its important to incorporate both higher reps, and lower reps for the maximal gains. You stimulate a large amount of muscle fibers; that's exactly what we want, stimulation. The wonderful principals of pyramid training, a staple to ANY bodybuilder's routine.

What Are Some Of The Advantages Of A Pyramid Workout?

You can combine the positive factors of higher reps versus lower reps and get the best of both worlds! Strength, mass, endurance, you name it. Pyramid training is without a doubt an advantageous way of training if you love gaining strength/mass.

Pyramids Pyramids
Pyramids Pyramids Pyramids
Pyramids Pyramids Pyramids Pyramids
+ Click To Enlarge.
Get The Best Of Both Higher & Lower Reps!

What Are Some Of The Disadvantages?

In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Doing 5 sets of heavy @ss deadlifts with the same exact weight will not only leave your body prone to tearing a muscle, it will also be extremely bad for your joints.

Lighter weights help build a deep pump in order to give your muscles the important nutrients, and that pump, they need to lift them heavy ass weights. The only REAL disadvantage of pyramid training is the time it takes. But if you're serious about gaining those bulging muscles, you're gonna make the time.

Who Benefits?
Who Would Benefit The Most From A Pyramid Workout?

People who want to stack on some size/strength, love getting a great pump or people who have hit a plateau. Just about everybody. Whether you're a powerlifter, bodybuilder, whatever, you can work some pyramid techniques and principals into your routine and get GREAT results.

Bonus Question
Do You Use A Pyramid Workout Or Incorporate Pyramid Training Ideas Into Your Workout? How So?

For just about every single exercise I do I will do some sort of pyramid style training. For example, on my lower back day, I will pyramid:

Reps x Weight -
10 x 135
8 x 185
6 x 225
4 x 275
1-2 x 315

And then go to bent over rows and pyramid up

Bent-Over Rows
Reps x Weight -
15 x 95
12 x 135
12 x 185
8-10 x 225

And so on ...

Enjoy making some extreme gains and happy lifting!

- Alex

2nd Place - eagles56

Doing sets with the same weight every week cannot only get boring, but can actually lead to a plateau. A pyramid type of training can be perfect for huge muscle growth.

What Is The Best Pyramid Workout? Be Specific.

Sample Pyramid Scheme:

4 x 10-12, 8-10, 6-8, 4-6

*The rep ranges may vary depending on the person. I've always found this scheme to provide the best strength and hypertrophy results.

-> A Beginner Workout (Monday/Wednesday/Friday):

    • Bench Press: 4x10,8,6,4
    • Bent Rows: 4x10,8,6,4
    • Shoulder Press: 4x10,8,6,4
    • Rear-Deltoid Flyes: 3x10-15 (No pyramid here)
    • Squats: 4x10,8,6,4 (alternate with Deadlifts next workout)
    • One-Arm Row: 3x10-15 (No pyramid)
    • Dips: 3x6-10 (no pyramid)
    • Barbell Curl: 3x6-10 (no pyramid)

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of This Workout.

This workout targets the entire body and can be adjusted to suit one's liking. Rest times will vary depending on the person. Aim for workout completion in 45 minutes or less but don't sweat it too much if a training session run and hour.

What Are Some Of The Advantages Of A Pyramid Workout?

Pyramid workouts increase blood flow in preparation for the greater loads through the accumulation sets. Pyramid sets start off with moderate-high repetitions and a light weight to begin with and then as sets progress, more weight is added in 5-25lb increments (depending on the exercise).

Pyramids are better suited for compound lifts due to the difficulty. For the first couple sets, be sure to use a weight which could be used for more than the targeted rep range but don't go to failure. This will allow the implication of superior loads in the following sets.

Essentially, one is continually warming up as the body adjusts to heavier weights. Pyramid workouts also recruit fast, slow and intermediate muscle fibers. This means that a muscle is being affected on multiple levels and more growth is triggered.

What Are Some Of The Disadvantages?

Unfortunately, many pre-exhaust their muscles too much before reaching their maximal load capacity and therefore lack additional muscle stimulation. Avoid training to failure and ensure adequate rest times between working sets.

+ Click To Enlarge.
Avoid Training To Failure.

Who Benefits
Who Would Benefit The Most From A Pyramid Workout?

Those seeking strength and mass should rely on a pyramid workout or incorporating pyramid training in their routine. Pyramid workouts are most commonly put to use by all weight lifters and health enthusiasts, simply because they've been proven time and time again to deliver results.

Forum Threads:

      • Pyramid vs "Steady" Weights - Started By smilanov
        "I am lifting in a "pyramid" system - 15 reps with less weight, 12 with more, 10 with some more and 8 with max. Is that good when bulking or its better to keep the weight & the reps "steady" - 10 x 10 x 10 x 10."

Bonus Question:
Do You Use A Pyramid Workout Or Incorporate Pyramid Training Ideas Into Your Workout? How So?

When I first started lifting weights my routine that was made up by my football coach used pyramids as the foundation. I gained a lot of size and strength through the practice of these methods. Even today I still incorporate pyramid training ideas into my current workouts with my main compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, presses, and rows).

I believe that pyramids are essential to prevent injury through progressive accumulation sets instead of direct maximum capacity sets without a thorough warm up.

The key is to stray away from positive failure and emphasize rest times in between sets. Recovery is the biggest factor to consider and this routine should go hand in hand with a high protein diet where one provides the body with a caloric surplus.