Vital Stats
Name: Kevin Love
BodySpace: Klove8107
Before: |
After: |
Why I Got Started
I decided to change my body in order gain a healthier lifestyle. I have been in shape most of my life but in the past couple years depression led to too many drinks and partying. Along with all of this I was going out to eat almost three meals a day at fast food restaurants. I was starting to feel sluggish and tired all of the time. Even walking around the mall or up a single flight of stairs had me sweating and out of breath.
I have always worried about blood pressure and cholesterol issues as well because they run in my family. I didn't want to contribute to any of these problems any longer and decided it was time to take control. After a little thought and motivation from my friends I decided I wanted to enter a bodybuilding competition.
I already had the size I just needed to find the muscle underneath it. This is where it all began. I found a date for an upcoming competition and started working towards it.
Being a personal trainer I found it most embarrassing to have let myself get this carried away with my weight, but at the same time it allowed me the knowledge to take it back off. All I needed was the motivation and discipline to put in work.
How I Did It
I started off by doing quite a bit of weight lifting. At first 3 days per week, then 4-and-5 days per week. Once I had a solid routine I decided to add in a little extra cardio. I tried my best to ease myself into it so that I wouldn't get burned out and quit.
I started with tacking on a little cardio right after my weight training sessions. Usually my cardio session would last around 20 minutes in the beginning. After a while I began placing extra minutes of cardio every week 5 minutes at a time. I worked myself up to an hour of cardio after my weight lifting sessions.
Because I had a goal of maintaining muscle I left the cardio at hour sessions after working out and decided to add extra sessions in the mornings at about 30-40 minutes depending on the time constraints at hand.
With the entire exercising routine set in place I realized that a diet needed to come with my regimen in order to really start setting a goal for a competition. I started changing things I ate slowly until my diet became extremely clean. Through all of the hard work, a lifestyle change was created, and it's definitely one I'm sticking to.
The supplements were definitely a big help in my opinion to speed my metabolism and provide extra energy in the gym on some of the rough days. The ones I would most frequently used were:
- Now L-Carnitine
- BSN Epozine
- USPLabs Jack3d
- Syntrax Nectar
- Universal Animal Pak
- SAN Nutrition Element
Meal 1:
- 7 Egg Whites
- 1 Whole Egg
- 3/4 cup of Oatmeal
- 1 serving Universal Animal Pak
Meal 2:
- 3 servings of Syntrax Nectar
- Meal 3:
- 7oz Chicken Breast
- 1 serving Vegetables
Meal 4: Pre-Workout
- 6-7 oz Chicken Breast
- 1 serving Vegetables
- 1 Sweet Potato
- 1 serving USPLabs Jack3d, 45 minutes after meal
- 1 serving BSN Epozine, 45 minutes after meal
- 1 serving BCAAs
- 1 serving Now L-Carnitine
Meal 5: Post Workout
- 2 servings Syntrax Nectar
- 1 serving BCAAs
- 1 serving SAN Nutrition Element
Meal 6:
Day 1: Legs
- Leg Extensions: 4 sets of 12 reps
- Squats: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Leg Press: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Lying Leg Curls: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Lunges: 100 meter sets of 2 reps
- Cardio: PM
Day 2: Chest/Triceps
- Bench Press: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
- Dumbbell Flyes: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
- Skull Crushers: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Triceps Pushdown: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Dips: 3 sets of 15 reps, with weights
- Cardio:AM/PM
Day 3: Shoulders
- Shoulder Press: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Shrugs: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Cardio: AM
Day 4: Back
- Deadlifts: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- T-Bar Rows: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Lat Pulldowns: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Behind The Neck Pulldowns: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Cardio: AM/PM
Day 5: Biceps/Hamstrings
- Stiff Legged Deadlift: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Hack Squat: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Leg Curls: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- EZ Bar Curls 21's: 1 set Of 21 reps
- Incline Dumbbell Curls: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Cable Curls: 4 sets Of 12 reps
- Cardio: AM/PM
Day 6:
- 2 Cardio Sessions
Day 7:
- 2 Cardio Sessions
Suggestions For Others
Stepping away from unhealthy foods is one of the best changes you can make. Energy, health and vitality all can be gained by just simply watching what you eat and exercising regularly. Consistency and determination are key. Train hard and find motivation wherever you can. I wish you all the best.
Click To Enlarge.
Energy, Health, And Vitality All Can Be Gained By Just Simply
Watching What You Eat And Exercising Regularly.
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