What if we told you that new eye-popping arm size can be yours by training your biceps and triceps only 10 minutes each? Interested? Of course you are! A set of guns that stretch shirt sleeves to the bursting point grab attention like nothing else.
And if you can add size with less time in the gym, even better (more recovery time for solid growth). It all comes down to a proven method that works through supersaturation and fiber activation. In fact, legendary bodybuilding trainer Vince Gironda used a similar method to transform and muscle up Hollywood actors in record time as well as a few Mr. Olympia contenders.
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A Set Of Guns That Stretch Shirt Sleeves To
The Bursting Point Grab Attention Like Nothing Else.
With his 8x8 method Vince found that "muscle fibers plump out, giving you solid mass and density as a result." And it doesn't take much time at all—it's efficient but intense.
For arm size we've found that Charles Poliquin's 10x10 variation is better, especially when you're doing only one exercise each for biceps and triceps.
What was that? One exercises? How can that possibly get at all of the muscle fibers? Don't bodybuilders need multi-angular training to build as much mass as possible? Not necessarily—and not when you use a split routine similar to this:
- Monday: Chest, Calves & Abs
- Tuesday: Back & Forearms
- Wednesday: Off
- Thursday: Quads & Hamstrings
- Friday: Delts, Triceps & Biceps
- Weekends: Off
What happens here is that your biceps and triceps get heavy compound work early in the week when you train chest and back. All of the bench presses, rows, pull-ups and pull-downs do a great size-building number on your arms. Even pull-overs for back hit the long heads of the triceps very hard. (If you're not doing pullovers for your back, you're missing a great lat-widening stretch as well as more sweep on your triceps).
With the heavy work out of the way at the beginning of the week, you can concentrate on 10x10 for one key movement each for biceps and triceps on Friday. For biceps it's barbell curls. MRI studies show that this exercise fully lights up both heads of the target muscle.
Use a grip on the bar that's slightly narrower than your shoulders and you'll even hit the brachialis, the muscle that snakes under your biceps and pushes it up for more peak.
For triceps it's decline extensions, or skullcrushers. Once again, MRI studies show that the decline version fully lights up all three heads of the triceps for more total fiber activation. If you do these on a flat bench, only the long heads get full attention, as the medial and lateral heads get only minor stimulation. Go for the decline version for best efficiency of effort.
The 10x10 Method
No warm-up necessary. Simply take a weight that you could get about 20 reps with, but only do 10. Control every rep—two seconds up and two seconds down. Now rest for 30 seconds, then do it again.
Continue that process, with the same weight, until you complete all 10 sets. Remember, keep the weight under control—and no pause at the top or bottom; just keep repping...
If you chose the right weight, your first two sets will be a breeze—they'll feel almost too light; but don't be deceived. Your last three or four sets will be brutal. The pain and pump will be severe, and you'll have to bite your tongue to keep the profanities from flying.
If you get 10 reps on your 10th set, the weight is too light—add more at your next workout. You should only get eight or nine on your last two sets, and those reps should be a struggle.
Don't think for a minute that because the weight is light that your arms are not going to grow. Wait until you see them pumped to new skin-stretching proportions after your first workout. You won't believe your eyes. Remember, you're hitting biceps and triceps hard and heavy at the beginning of the week with bench presses, chins, etc., so this "light" workout is just what you need to supersaturate your arms. (The last sets will not feel light, believe us!)
Try 10x10 at your next arm workout, and you'll be a believer. About 10 minutes is all it takes—that's not counting all the time you'll take staring in amazement at your engorged arms in the gym mirror. But try to tear yourself away; you need a recovery shake to feed those pythons.
Note: For more on this fat muscle-building method see The Ultimate 10x10 Mass Workout at X-traordinaryWorkouts.com. For Jonathan Lawson's BodySpace page, go to http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/X-Repcom/.