Wondering what the pros consider their favorite workout of all time, the one that gets them excited to head to the gym and hit the weights? Let's take a closer look at the workouts these MuscleTech-sponsored athletes put at the top of their lists.

Abel Albonetti: Fitness Model, MuscleTech Athlete

"My all-time favorite workout would definitely be a solid chest-training day," says Albonetti. "My workout uses heavy weights and incorporates supersets and isolation movements. It's a total burnout."

Give this workout your all, Albonetti says. Mix up your rep ranges to apply different varieties of stress on your body.

"Remember to lift as heavy as possible while maintaining good form," he says. "By doing this workout regularly, these supersets will build muscle and burn lots of calories for fat loss. What more could you ask for in a workout?"

Abel Albonetti's Chest Workout
Barbell Incline Bench Press Medium-Grip
5 sets, 12, 10, 8, 6, 6-5 reps (dropset last set)
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Santi Aragon: IFBB Pro, MuscleTech Athlete

For Aragon, it's all about back day.

"I love my back workout because it's a good mix of power and isolation movements," he says. "The racked pull is the number-one reason I was able to improve the thickness and density in my mid back and lats, so it's one move I always like adding to my back-training protocols."

Aragon's workout is a perfect example of incorporating a variety of training techniques in one session. Try his workout for a while and you'll grow to like it, too.

Santi Aragon's Back Workout
Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown
3 sets, 8-12 reps
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Ryan Kurek: Fitness Model, MuscleTech Athlete

Albonetti and Kurek are of like minds about the chest workout.

"The standard bench press is my hands-down favorite," Kurek says. "No incline, no decline—just the standard bench press. This will always be a timeless classic for physical exertion."

For maximum progression on any major muscle group, Kurek says, you're going to want to return to basic compound lifts like the standard bench press. This is such a powerful exercise because you can recruit the most muscle fibers possible to lift the heaviest weights and build the most strength.

Incline and decline bench press are great for adding more variation to your workout routine, Kurek says. You just won't lift as much weight or gain as much strength.

Ryan Kurek's Chest Workout
Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip
1 set, warm-up
5 sets, 3-6 reps
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Dylan Thomas: Lifestyle Transformation Coach, MuscleTech Athlete

Leg workouts are at the top of the list for Thomas.

"I love a heavy leg workout that leaves nothing in the tank," he says.

It's rare to find someone who lists legs as their favorite session, but if you like to be pushed to the max, his workout just might top the charts for you, too.

Leg training is incredibly intense. The muscles of the legs are some of the largest in the body so the level of fatigue you'll be able to generate will be large, too. And along with that fatigue will come some rewarding, burning pain that lets you know you're growing new muscle.

The key to a truly great leg workout is utilizing both lower-rep sets with heavy weights, and higher-rep sets, with lighter weights. This approach enables you to maximize your strength potential while still burning out the muscles at the end.

Dylan Thomas' Leg Workout
Barbell Squat
1 set, to failure
3 sets, 3-5 reps
2 sets, 10-15 reps
+ 7 more exercises


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About the Author

Shannon Clark

Shannon Clark

Shannon Clark is a freelance health and fitness writer located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

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