Back workouts aren't my favorite. In fact, exercises that target my lats, traps, and delts are often at the bottom of my list, but it's critical to train your back from an athletic and aesthetic standpoint. After all, all show and no go gets you nowhere! Training your back brings the stability you need to stay balanced, strong, and beautiful.

Today's workout comprises three supersets. The goal is to get through every exercise with great technique and intense effort, pushing yourself along the way. This workout is perfect if you're in a time crunch—it should only take you 30 minutes! I recommend adding it to your routine once a week.

While this routine may challenge you initially, you'll eventually want to increase the resistance. Once you're familiar with the routine, bump the weight up by 5 pounds each successive week, and work for your model back!

Superset 1: Single-Arm Dumbbell Row/bent-Over Barbell Row

Walter's Wisdom: For your first superset, make sure you keep your core tight—almost like you're trying to fit into those skinny jeans. Having a tight core will help increase stabilization and engagement.

Superset 2 Seated Row/assisted Pull-Up

Walter's Wisdom: Scale back on the weight before you sacrifice form. If you're feeling extremely fatigued by the last set, make it a dropset. Lowering the weight will allow you to keep stress on the right muscles while still challenging your body.

Seated Row

Make sure to test your weight before using the assisted pull-up machine. Use a weight that allows you go at a consistent pace but also adds an element of difficulty to your training. For another test, try grabbing the bar with just two fingers. If you can pull yourself up pretty well, decrease the weight that's assisting you.

Superset 3 Narrow-Grip Pull-Down/wide-Grip Pull-Down

Walter's Wisdom: With the final superset of narrow- and wide-grip pull-downs, pay attention to your form. If you're fatigued, you're naturally going to swing your body. If that's the case, drop some weight, engage your core, and pull down as hard as you can to finish out the set.

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

Nikki Walter's Fitness Model Workout
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
Superset with Bent Over Barbell Row
4 sets, 15 reps
+ 6 more exercises


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About the Author

Contributing Writer

Nikki Walter’s authors consist of accredited coaches, doctors, dietitians and athletes across the world.

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