Whether you're a guy or a girl, at the pool, at the beach or on stage, your abs are the first place people look to tell how fit you are. Abdominal muscles are the true marker, the core of fitness.

Cellucor Super HD Abs

Watch The Video - 09:31

We walk you through two ab circuits to help you achieve that toned, hi-def 6-pack. One circuit is designed to build your abs, and the other is designed to tighten your abs.

We recommend incorporating these circuit workouts 3-to-4 times per week into your existing workout routines, alternating the workouts, building first and toning second.

The Build Circuit

The goal is to keep the intensity high, elevate your heart rate elevated and really get that extra burn. Set up all four exercises before you begin to increase efficiency and intensity.

3 Rounds; Repeat 4 exercises back-to-back; 1-minute rest between rounds.

Build Circuit
3 rounds
Barbell roll-out
3 sets, to failure
+ 1 more exercises


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Tighten Circuit

This circuit will involve more reps, some drop sets, a lot of focus on toning your abs rather than building them. High reps are going to help you tighten your abs while burning calories.

This is another 4-exercise circuit with 1-minute rests between the three circuits. Make sure to set everything up first, to limit your rest periods between exercises.

3 Rounds; Repeat 4 exercises back-to-back; 1-minute rest between rounds.

Tighten Circuit
3 rounds
Elbow plank
3 sets, to failure
+ 1 more exercises


  • 2,500+ expert-created single workouts
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What comes with BodyFit?

  • Instructional Videos
  • Don't risk doing a workout improperly! Avoid injury and keep your form in check with in-depth instructional videos.

  • How-to Images
  • View our enormous library of workout photos and see exactly how each exercise should be done before you give it a shot.

  • Step-by-Step Instructions
  • Quickly read through our step-by-step directions to ensure you're doing each workout correctly the first time, every time.

Hi-Def Abs

Your abs are probably on fire! That's the key to getting hi-def abs.

First comes the Build Circuit, followed by the Tightening Circuit. We recommend hitting the circuits on alternating days: Build, then Tighten ... for a total of 3-to-4 workouts per week.

Make sure you have your strength training, your cardio, proper supplementation and your meal programs keyed-in to get hi-def abs. For more information on that, check the links below.

For more articles and videos, tips and tricks to achieving hi-def abs, visit Bodybuilding.com.

About the Author

Contributing Writer


Bodybuilding.com’s authors consist of accredited coaches, doctors, dietitians and athletes across the world.

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