Vital Stats
Name: Josh Hopkins
Pounds Lost: 139 lbs.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2004
End Date: Oct. 22, 2005
Why I Got Started
In the beginning I got started because I was not happy with the way I looked or felt. The more I learned about dieting and training, the more I loved it. When I made the decision to start bodybuilding it was the best decision of my life.
I made the decision to start bodybuilding because it is different from any other sport. To compete in bodybuilding, you have to live the lifestyle, not just play the sport.
How I Did It
I made the transformation by first changing my diet. I started eating complex carbs, lean meat, and only healthy fats. I ate simple carbs only pre- and post-workout.
I then started training with weights 4-5 times per week. I do cardio 4-5 times per week pre-contest, and 1-2 times per week in the off season.
My supplements consisted of:
- Whey protein from ON and MRM
- Creatine from AST
- Glutamine GL3 from AST
- Fat burners from SAN Tight and Blaze
- Champion UltraMet MRP
- Tri-o-plex protein bars
Sample Diet
My Sample Contest-Prep Diet. | ||||||||||||||||
This is a sample of my diet while getting ready for a show. When preparing for a show I eat the same food at the same time every day and do not cheat at all. I usually start dieting at about 2500 calories and go down to about 1700.
I keep my protein up around 250 or 300 grams per day, my carbs start at about 225 and get down to about 100 grams per day, and my fat between 25 and 40 grams per day.
The closer my contest gets the lower my carbs and fat get. In the off season I eat about the same, but more of it. In the off season my protein comes from beef, chicken, tuna, or a protein shake. I eat about 300-to-400 grams of carbs per day. My carbs come from oatmeal, yams, wheat bread and fruit.
I eat about 50-to-60 grams of fat per day when bulking. In the off-season I cheat about 2-or-3 meals on the weekends usually consisting of pizza, hamburgers, and my occasional deserts (cookies or ice cream).
Click Image To Enlarge.
Your Body Can Do Anything You Want It To,
It Is Your Mind You Have To Convince.
Sample Workout
This is the workout split I am currently using:
Monday - Back
- Wide-grip pullups - 3 failure sets of 6-12 reps
- Cable rows - 3 failure sets 6-12 reps
- Close-grip cable pull downs - 3 failure sets 6-12 reps
- Under-hand barbell rows - 2 sets 6-12 reps
- Hyperextensions - 2 sets 6-12 reps
Click Here For A Printable Log Of Monday.
Tuesday - Chest & Shoulders
- Incline dumbbell press - 3 failure sets
- Decline dumbbell press - 3 failure sets
- Flat dumbbell press - 3 failure sets
- Cable cross-over - 2 failure sets
- Seated Dumbbell press - 3 failure sets
- Arnold press - 3 failure sets
- Lateral dumbbell raise - 2 sets 6-12 reps
- Bent-over dumbbell lateral raise - 2 sets 6-12 reps
* All failure sets are done in the 6-12 rep range.
Click Here For A Printable Log Of Tuesday.
Wednesday - Arms & Traps
- Overhead tricep presses -2 failure sets of 6-12 reps
- Super-set with:
Standing barbell curls- - 2 failure sets of 6-12 reps
- Overhead cable (using rope) triceps extensions - 2 failure sets 6-12 reps
- Super-set with:
Cambered-bar preacher curls- - 2 failure sets of 6-12 reps
- Single arm reverse grip cable press downs - 2 failure sets of 6-12 reps
- Super-set with:
- Braced (against a bench) leaning over
- - 2 failure sets of 6-12 reps
- Single-arm dumbbell kickbacks - 2 failure sets of 6-12 reps
- Super-set with:
1 arm cable curls- 2 failure sets 6-12 reps
- Barbell shrugs (heavy) 2 sets 6-12 reps
- Dumbbell shrugs (heavy) 2 sets 6-12 reps
Click Here For A Printable Log Of Wednesday.
Thursday - Legs
- Squats 3 sets
- Hack squats 3 sets
- Leg extensions 3 sets
- Stiff-leg deadlift 3 sets
- Lying leg curl 3 sets
* All leg exercises stay with in 6-12 reps and are done as heavy as possible.
Click Here For A Printable Log Of Thursday.
Friday - Back
Same as Monday except I switch pull ups with barbell rows. On Fridays I start out with heavy barbell rows.
* Calves, abs, and forearms are trained Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Cardio is done either early morning or late evening depending on my schedule.
Click Here For A Printable Log Of Friday.
Suggestions For Others
Always take time to thank God for making you healthy enough to train. Never quit.
Always educate yourself before doing something. If someone is more knowledge-able than you are, then take time to listen and learn.
Keep everything in perspective. Train the hardest you possibly can and if something goes wrong learn from it and move on. Last but not least, your body can do anything you want it to, it is your mind you have to convince. Have fun and train hard!
Josh Hopkins