Personal Trainer Of The Month - Max 'The Body' Philisaire!

Congratulations Max on being our Personal Trainer Of The Month! Max was awarded the Personal Trainer of the Month for his health and fitness contributions that he provides for his clients!

Vital Stats:

Name: Max "The Body" Philisaire
Age: 25
Education/Certification: ACE
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Contact Info:
Number Of Clients: 7 Clients
Rates: $60/hr session

[ Q ] Can you tell me a little about yourself?

I'm a Haitian U.S Army Veteran, Fitness Model, Actor, and Celebrity Personal Trainer. I have worked on NBC's "America's Got Talent", Style Network's "How Do I Look", Spike TV's "Deadliest Warrior" and numerous music videos.

I have been featured in Muscle and Fitness Magazine, Status Fitness Magazine, on book covers and "Eye Candy". I'm currently a featured fitness model on MTV's "Logo" and Vh1's RuPaul's "Drag Race" season 2.

I'm A Haitian U.S Army Veteran, Fitness Model, Actor, And Celebrity Personal Trainer.
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I'm A Haitian U.S Army Veteran, Fitness Model,
Actor, And Celebrity Personal Trainer.

[ Q ] Why did you become a trainer?

I became a trainer because I loved being in the gym. Health and fitness helped me look and feel better. Life began to fall into place once I started taking better care of my look and health.

After years of sculpting my physique, I was now able to motivate and inspire others to look and feel better through health and fitness.

[ Q ] Does having experience in the army help?

Experience in the U.S Army helped me a lot; I had leadership experience. I dealt with many types of personalities and issues in a positive way.

I was self-motivated. After spending 15 months in Iraq, civilian life has become a piece of cake.

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[ Q ] What is your training style? What methods do you use?

My training style is simple. I present myself to the client as a friendly drill sergeant. Even though I offer the service, I don't become a friend to the client until they have committed to the training and knowledge like a soldier in boot camp.

What I mean by that is I give little but specific instruction about nutrition, form and program schedule. Not abiding by those rules is like breaking the rules in boot camp. I will not yell at a client, but they will feel guilt. Achieving results requires teamwork between the client and me.

I Present Myself To The Client As A Friendly Drill Sergeant.
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I Present Myself To The Client As
A Friendly Drill Sergeant.

[ Q ] Do you have examples of success stories from clients using your methods?

If clients do what they are told to, results come quickly. But if they don't, then they let me down. Once we establish that this is boot camp style training, clients are less likely to play around. I only work with clients that are serious about results. That way, success is guaranteed.

I started training a hard gainer that was 6'2, 150 lbs. He is now 205 lbs with more muscle mass then I've ever had, and he also became a personal trainer.

[ Q ] If so, what programs (diet, nutrition, and supplementation) did you use on those particular clients?

There are many different programs for fat loss, muscle gain, strength and conditioning, but I don't focus on one program. Depending on the condition or goal of a client, we might focus more on fat loss, but the same client will gain muscle which speeds up the metabolism.

Nothing is more essential than being consistent with a program, no matter which program we use. Results come from maintaining the proper food intake and exercise schedule. The programs and supplements don't add up without consistency.

[ Q ] What are the most common mistakes newbies make?

Newbies make the mistake of training for 2-4 hours a session, 5-7 days a week without proper nutrition and rest. People assume that more is better, so they attempt to lift as heavy as possible.

After all that pointless hard work, they don't follow up with a proper post workout meal. Some go straight to bed; some have their usual junk food, and some people drink. Balance is one of the simple, but specific guidelines that needs to be respected for quick and long term results.

[ Q ] What is your approach to nutrition and supplementation?

Nutrition is the most powerful drug known to man. The way you eat will determine if you live or die. It will determine if you're fat or skinny. If people were into their nutrition as much as they were into the gym, the gyms would consist of nothing but fitness models.

Depending on your goal, supplements should be used to balance your nutritional needs, not to replace your sources of protein, carbohydrates, calories, or vitamins.

I recommend a doctor check up before using any supplements, since our bodies sometimes react differently to creatine, whey or casein protein. Again, balance is very important. That is why it is established from the beginning of the program and is enforced throughout.

The Way You Eat Will Determine If You Live Or Die.
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The Way You Eat Will Determine
If You Live Or Die.

[ Q ] Do you set your clients up with a full diet plan? And if so, please provide us with an example.

Yes I do set up my clients with a meal plan. Without a proper meal plan, exercising may become a never-ending battle to achieving the look a client desires. It is important that clients know and understand the meaning of protein, carbohydrates, calories, fats, vitamins and their sources.

Once they have that foundation, preparing their own meals is like clockwork. Here are some example sources for a sample lean meal plan:







Without A Proper Meal Plan, Exercising May Become A Never-Ending Battle To Achieving The Look A Client Desires.
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Without A Proper Meal Plan, Exercising May Become A
Never-Ending Battle To Achieving The Look A Client Desires.

[ Q ] What does your own diet and training program look like?

My diet and training program doesn't look much different than any other fit male. There are only so many sources of protein and carbohydrates.

There are only so many chest exercises you can perform for a well-developed chest. People ask me about my program all the time and are sometimes disappointed to hear that it isn't rocket science.



  • Fruit
  • Tuna sandwich






I don't make the time for fried food or sodas because I'm too busy eating baked and grilled food. The goal is to eat what you're supposed to eat and be too full to eat the cake you really wanted to eat.

I might eat more or less than the next person, but at the end of the day it is all about the math. How much protein, carbohydrates, and calories should I be eating, and what are the healthiest sources?

I Might Eat More Or Less Than The Next Person, But At The End Of The Day It Is All About The Math.
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I Might Eat More Or Less Than The Next Person, But
At The End Of The Day It Is All About The Math.

[ Q ] How do you keep your clients motivated?

I keep my clients motivated by first leading by example. I'm not an example of what or whom they want to look like, but I am an example of what happens when you maximize your fitness potential.

I give them 100% of my attention during a session so they know that they are not going to battle on their own. I give them more attention than some might prefer throughout the week to check up on them and see if they are on schedule with nutrition and recovery.

[ Q ] How have you changed your approach to clients over the years?

I'm a lot more patient then I used to be with the clients. I toned down the drill sergeant mentality to create a more comfortable atmosphere for the clients.

I only work with clients that are willing to work for what they desire. Some are looking for freebies to be handed to them, but results don't come that way.

I Only Work With Clients That Are Willing To Work For What They Desire.
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I Only Work With Clients That Are
Willing To Work For What They Desire.

[ Q ] Who are you working with currently or in the near future that people may have heard of?

Actors, Movie Directors, Singers, Models, Hairstylists, makeup artists. I've trained people in all aspects of the Entertainment industry. I can't speak about anyone specifically.

[ Q ] How do you start a client on a new program? Do you do some kind of assessment?

Before we start a program I need to get to know the client's background and fitness goals. I require that he or she gets a check up with his or her doctor prior to any exercise. We talk about the obstacles in the past, present and future and come up with a plan of action.

I get the person's stats and use that to put together a recommend nutrition intake and exercise program. Both the client and I agree that once the schedule is down on paper, there is no playing around. It is a mission.

Both The Client And I Agree That Once The Schedule Is Down On Paper, There Is No Playing Around.
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Both The Client And I Agree That Once The Schedule
Is Down On Paper, There Is No Playing Around.

[ Q ] Do you prefer to train male or female clients and why?

I don't have a preference. I've had no problems with either sex. The mentality and character of the person over powers the gender.

As long as a client is serious about his or her goals and doesn't mind working for them, we can work together to achieve these results.

[ Q ] Do you feel just as much like a psychologist as you do a personal trainer?

As a matter of fact, I feel more like a psychologist than a personal trainer. The mind state you must be in to stay focused day in, day out has a lot to do with psychology. You have to take the time to do a self-assessment, which many clients are not capable of doing.

I had to figure out what I want, why I want it, how to achieve it and maintain it. This is all easier said than done. It is important to partner up with someone that has mastered the self-assessment when it comes to health and fitness goals, which is where personal training comes into the picture.

Each client is different. I must learn and understand their natures in a few conversations so that we can properly interact during the program.

The Mind State You Must Be In To Stay Focused Day In, Day Out Has A Lot To Do With Psychology.
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The Mind State You Must Be In To Stay Focused Day
In, Day Out Has A Lot To Do With Psychology.

[ Q ] Any words of wisdom for the reader?

Don't be afraid to use someone's energy as motivation. We fuel each other. Taking the time to do a little research on will set you up for more success than going to the gym without a program or knowledge of fundamentals.

More information can be found at

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