Neil Hill's Nutrition Program: You Gotta Eat Big To Get Big

Yoda 3 Training (Y3T), is split over a nine week period and divided into 3 three week phases.

Neil Hill stresses that nutrition is the key to success for any and every athlete. In the early years of bodybuilding, he didn't realize the importance of a sound diet. Neil had a healthy appetite, but didn't put a lot of emphasis into the "healthy" aspect. It wasn't until he started researching what successful bodybuilders ate, that he discovered it did in fact matter what he put into his body. That was an important lesson in quality versus quantity, although the quantity definitely had its place too.

Neil attributes the large portion of building muscle to eating during the night. Getting up in the middle of the night for a meal will actually speed up your metabolism and fuel your body for growth. If you want to get big, then you have to make the sacrifices that are necessary to do so. The concept is quite simple; you have to pay the cost to be the boss. If you're ready to take authority of your physique, then set your alarm clock and follow Neil's mass-building nutrition program now.

Neil Hill's Fitness Program
Watch The Video - 14:52

You Gotta Eat Big To Get Big

Nutrition is the key to success for any athlete. Just like training, your nutrition has to be 3-dimensional, meaning you have to get as many key ingredients as possible. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats from an array of healthy foods.

"The amount of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats) may need to be altered depending on your body weight."

My mass building diet is for a person around 200-220 lbs. The amount of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats) may need to be altered depending on your body weight, your specific goals, and your ability to consume the high amount of calories.

Supplementation 1
Supplementation 2
  • Gaspari Anavite Gaspari Anavite

    1 serving 20 mins after meal 1


    6-8g halfway between meal 1 and 2

  • Real Mass Real Mass

    1 scoop

Supplementation 3

    6-8g halfway between meal 2 and 3

  • Real Mass Real Mass

    1 scoop

Supplementation 4

    6-8g halfway between meal 3 and 4

  • Real Mass Real Mass

    1 scoop

Supplementation 5

    6-8g halfway between meal 4 and 5

  • Real Mass Real Mass

    1 scoop

Supplementation 6

    6-8g halfway between meal 5 and 6

  • Real Mass Real Mass

    1 scoop

Supplementation 7
  • Gaspari Anavite Gaspari Anavite

    1 serving 20 mins after meal 6


    6-8g halfway between meal 6 and 7

  • Real Mass Real Mass

    1 scoop

Supplementation 8

    6-8g halfway between meal 7 and 8

  • Real Mass Real Mass

    1 scoop

Meal 1
  • Almonds Egg whites
  • Almonds Whole eggs
  • Almonds Whole-wheat toast
    2 slices
  • Almonds Peanut butter
    2 tbsp
  • Almonds Oats
    3 oz
  • Almonds Banana
  • Almonds Mixed berries
    5 oz
  • Almonds Orange juice
    16 oz
Meal 2
  • Almonds Chicken
    8 oz
  • Almonds Brown rice
    3 oz
  • Almonds Green beans
    3 oz
  • Almonds Olive oil
    1 tbsp
Meal 3
  • Almonds Sirloin steak
    8 oz
  • Almonds Mixed salad
    4 oz
  • Almonds Mixed nuts
    1 oz
  • Almonds Yogurt
    3 oz
Meal 4
  • Almonds Chicken
    8 oz
  • Almonds Brown rice
    3 oz
  • Almonds Green beans
    3 oz
  • Almonds Whole egg
Meal 5
  • Almonds Sirloin steak
    8 oz
  • Almonds Yam
    9 oz
  • Almonds Mixed Salad
    3 oz
  • Almonds Olive Oil
    1 tbsp
  • Almonds Apple
Meal 6
  • Almonds Whole-wheat breat
    2 slices
  • Almonds Almond butter
    2 tbsp
  • Almonds Cottage cheese
    6 oz
Meal 7
Meal 8

Additional Supplementation

Extra Oomph
  • Take a good Digestive Enzyme 3 times a day between Meals (e.g. Udo's Choice Ultimate Digestive Enzyme Blend)
  • Drink 2 gallons of water a day
Pre Workout
  • Take 1 serving of SuperPump Max 45-60 min before you train with 25 oz of water.
  • 10-15 min before you train take 6g Glutamine & 8g of BCAA.
Intra Workout
  • Take 1 1/2 serving of Size-On Max with 25 oz of water and drink this between your sets.
Post Workout
  • As soon as you finish training take 1 serving of Size-On Max 45-50 g of Protein from IntraPro, and 35-45 g of a good fast digesting carb (Vitargo).
aBefore Bed
  • Take a ZMA that includes around 30-40mg of Zinc and around 400-500 mg Magnesium; take this 45-60 min before Meal 7.
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