Add Inches To Your Arms With This Four-Week Arm-Blasting Program!

There are many effective ways to train for sleeve-splitting arms. Outlined here for you is just one sure-fire way to add inches for attention-grabbing arms in just four weeks! Try it now - includes a complete routine and exercises!

There are many effective ways to train for sleeve-splitting arm development. And changing up your arm-blasting routine periodically is an effective way to force new arm growth. Outlined here for you is just one sure-fire way to add inches for attention-grabbing arms in just four weeks!

Four-Week Arm-Blasting Program For Massive Guns

This program is designed to get you on the road to bigger, stronger arms that will turn heads in the gym—or anywhere you go for that matter. You'll work your arms only once each week for four weeks. But with this program, your arms are going to grow like crazy. It's all the training your arms will be able to handle.

Every two weeks, you'll vary your exercises to keep your muscles growing. Each training week is designed to exhaust your arms from all possible angles and recruit all the muscle fibers you need to force more inches and more strength onto your arms in as little time as possible. Follow this training program and you'll be guaranteed to blast your way to freaky arms, fast!

Note: Warming up before starting this or any other training program can reduce your risk of injury and also help you make the most of your workout.

Weeks 1 & 2

  • 5 Supersets (6 to 10 reps each exercise)

Instructions: Perform Barbell Curls followed immediately by Triceps Push-downs, and then take a 2-minute break before doing another superset. Do 5 supersets of 6 to 10 reps for each training movement.

Week 3

  • 5 Supersets (6 to 10 reps each exercise)

Instructions: Perform Concentration Curls followed immediately by Lying Triceps Press, and then take a 2-minute break before doing another superset. Do 5 supersets of 6 to 10 reps for each training movement.

Week 4

  • 5 Regular sets (6 to 10 reps each exercise)

Instructions: Perform Barbell Curls, and then take a 1-minute break before doing another set. Do 5 sets of 6 to 10 reps for the training movement. Next, perform Triceps Push-downs, and take a 1-minute break before doing another set. Do 5 sets of 6 to 10 reps for the training movement.

Note: Your first set for each training movement should be a warm-up with lighter weight.

Training Movements

Barbell Curls

Muscles Worked: Biceps

Position: With a supine (underhand) grip of the barbell, stand with your back straight and your arms slightly more than shoulder-width apart.

Start: Stand straight holding the barbell in front of your waist.

Finish: Complete the movement by curling the barbell toward your chest. Make sure to exhale as you curl the barbell upward and inhale as you return the barbell to the starting position.

Tip: Contract your abs and back muscles to prevent your upper body from swinging during the movement. Also, briefly pause and hold the contraction at the top of the movement to force more blood into the biceps for a better muscle-building pump.

Barbell Curls Barbell Curls
Barbell Curls

Alternate Hammer Curls

Muscles Worked: Biceps and brachioradialis (major muscles of the forearm)

Position: Stand with a dumbbell in each hand and your arms lowered by your sides. Your palms should be facing inward.

Start: With both arms by your sides, hold the dumbbells with your palms facing inward.

Finish: Complete the movement by curling one arm at a time with your palm facing inward. Make sure to exhale as you curl the dumbbell and inhale as you lower the dumbbell.

Tip: Don't 'throw' the dumbbells up with your entire body. If you are, you're using too much weight. Focusing on each movement precisely will add more shape and thick size to your guns.

Alternate Hammer Curls Alternate Hammer Curls
Alternate Hammer Curls

Concentration Curls

Muscles Worked: Biceps

Position: Sit on the edge of a bench holding a dumbbell with a supine (underhand) grip.

Start: Rest your elbow on the inside of your thigh with a supine (underhand) grip of the dumbbell.

Finish: Complete the movement by curling the dumbbell upward, keeping your elbow planted against your thigh. Make sure to exhale as you curl the dumbbell upward and inhale as you return the dumbbell to the starting position.

Tip: Squeeze the biceps as tight as you can at the top of the contraction phase, turning your wrist a few degrees outward from your body (this will help you add more peak to your bicep). Then, lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.

Triceps Push-downs

Muscles Worked: Triceps

Position: Stand facing a cable machine and place your hands with a pronated (overhand) grip on the handle.

Start: With a pronated (overhand) grip on the handle, bring your elbows to the sides of your body.

Finish: Complete the movement by pressing the handle downward. Make sure to exhale as you press and inhale as you return the handle back to the starting position.

Tip: If you're using heavy weight, lean forward slightly and contract your abs during the exercise to ensure stability. Hold your elbows in tight to your body to keep maximum tension on you triceps for a great pump!

Triceps Pushdowns Triceps Pushdowns
Triceps Push-downs

Lying Triceps Press

Muscles Worked: Triceps

Position: Lie flat on a bench with a pronated (overhand) grip of a barbell. Your elbows should be bent and pointing toward the ceiling and the barbell should be just above your forehead.

Start: Lie flat on a bench with your arms bent at the elbows and bring the barbell into the starting position just above the forehead.

Finish: Complete the movement by extending your arms and raising the barbell toward the ceiling. Make sure to exhale as you extend your arms and inhale as you carefully return the barbell to the starting position.

Tip: In order to fully develop a horse-shoe shape in your triceps, keep your elbows in tight towards the center of your body throughout the movement. This will help add a lot of thickness that will surely turn heads at the gym!

Lying Triceps Press Lying Triceps Press
Lying Triceps Press


Muscles Worked: Triceps, pectorals and anterior deltoids

Position: Grasp the dipping bar handles with your palms facing each other and lift yourself so your arms are almost straight with a slight bend at the elbow.

Start: Tilt your torso forward while bending your legs. Hold this position as you slowly lower yourself until your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Inhale during the downward movement.

Finish: Complete the movement by pushing yourself back up to the starting position. Exhale during the upward movement.

Tip: For added stability, bend your knees and cross your feet when performing dips. Also, avoid locking your elbows to force maximum tension onto the triceps. By doing so, you are recruiting more muscle fibers which force your triceps to grow like crazy!

Dips Dips

Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extensions

Muscles Worked: Triceps

Position: Sit on a bench holding a dumbbell with both hands with your arms extended upward.

Start: Sit on a bench and bring the dumbbell into the starting position with your elbows raised above your shoulders.

Finish: Complete the movement by extending your arms and raising the dumbbell toward the ceiling. Make sure to exhale as you extend your arms and inhale as you carefully return the dumbbell to the starting position.

Tip: To build bigger triceps, use a weight heavy enough to force your triceps to reach failure by the last rep. By doing so, your triceps can only respond with freaky growth!

Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extensions Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extensions
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extensions


It takes hard work to build arms like the pros, but if you follow this program exactly, you'll be able to blast your way to a pair of freaky arms that are inches thicker!