Break Through Your Plateau With These 4 Training Techniques!

You are getting frustrated, it is very understandable. What is going on? Well, you have hit what is called a plateau. Try these 4 training techniques to break out of your plateau and get back to crushing the iron. Learn more.

Article Summary:
  • Don't get frustrated by hitting a plateau. They happen to everyone.
  • Supersets and giant sets also provide cardiovascular benefits.
  • Plateau busting takes a proper mental mindset. Seek help if you need it.

  • Introduction

    You are going to the gym religiously, you are sticking to the nutrition plan right to the T. You are drinking all the water, taking all the supplements, blogging on your BodySpace BodyBlog everything you are doing. But for some reason, your progress has come to a dead stop.

    You are not any stronger today than you were two months ago. Your body fat levels are the exact same now as before. You would do anything, eat anything, or pay anyone to help you make a change. You are getting frustrated, and it is very understandable. What is going on?

    You Are Getting Frustrated, And It Is Very Understandable.
    + Click To Enlarge.
    You Are Getting Frustrated, And
    It Is Very Understandable.

    Well, you have hit what is called a plateau. Everyone has experienced them. It is like catching some kind of virus. Every now and then it is your turn to have one.

    If this is your first one, then hopefully this article will help you break that plateau and get you back to crushing the iron and making progress soon. There are four methods of training that this article is going to cover that will help you reach levels of intensity that you may be new to and that will help you now and in the future when you hit your next plateau.

    1. Drop Sets
    2. Rest-Pause
    3. Supersets
    4. Giant Sets

    Before we get into these though, the first thing you need to understand and mentally prepare yourself for is that you will have plateaus. It doesn't matter whether you are a beginner, advanced, or Mr. Olympia, we all hit them. You can't get frustrated or you will never break through them.

    Use this article and talk to friends or trainers in the gym or chat with someone on BodySpace to help you get through it. The better prepared you are, the more likely you are to get through it quicker.

    Plateau Buster.
    [ Click here to learn more. ]
    Plateau Buster.
    The pursuit of an Adonis-like physique is often punctuated by several periods of frustration - building serious muscle is hard. Break plateaus with performance-based goals and heavy weight.
    Ryan Patrick

    1. Drop Sets

      Drop sets are great for muscle building, strength improvement, and a little for cardiovascular benefit.

      A drop set is where you extend your set after failure by lowering the weight you are using to a lower number and resume lifting. Once you hit failure again, you lower the weight again. This repeats until you get the desired number of reps you want, or you hit total failure.

    RELATED VIDEO: Lifting Guides
    What Are Drop Sets?

    Also known as strip sets, drop sets involve the immediate reduction of weight between sets with no rest. This will thoroughly burn out a muscle.
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      Let's say you are doing flat barbell bench press. You want to do 25 total reps. You start at 225 lbs. You get 12 reps and you just can't get another one. Strip the weight down to 185 lbs. or something else you can handle for a few reps. You get 7 more reps with 185 and hit failure again. This time, go to 135 lbs. and resume lifting. This time you get 6 reps and you hit your total of 25.

      This is how it would look in a training log:

      Use this method on any lift that you are trying to improve on. I highly recommend on any muscle you feel is your weakest.

    2. Rest-Pause Sets

      This is another good one that will help with strength and muscle building. Rest pause sets are taking a weight to failure 2-3 times in one set. Again, let's use the bench for example. You want to get 225 lbs. for 25 reps. You just can't seem to get past 16-18 reps though. Load up 225 and start pumping. Once you hit failure, rack the weight and count to 5. One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four, one thousand five. Now unrack and get as many more as you can.

    Rest-Pause Training Methods Explained.
    [ Click here to learn more. ]
    Rest-Pause Training Methods Explained.
    Want to add some intensity to your workout? This article describes fully the methods of rest-pause training, benefits and how to implement them. Give this a quick read, and hit the gym with a new angle!
    Charles (sword chucks)

      Once you hit failure again, rack it again. This time you will count the same way to 10. After the 10 count, unrack and finish it off before racking for the final time.

      Again, in a log it might look like this:

      You got your 25 reps. Doing this for a few weeks, you will get closer or hit your goal of 225 lbs. for 25 consecutive reps.

    RELATED VIDEO: Lifting Guides
    Rest-Pause Training!

    Do a set to failure. Rest for 5 to 10 seconds then do a few more reps with the same weight. Do this once or a few times depending on your energy levels and how far you wish to push. With this technique you can take a weight you can only do for a certain number of reps and increase that amount.
       Find More Videos On This Topic.

    3. Supersets

    Supsersets Involve Taking Two Exercises And Doing Them Back To Back Without Rest. Supsersets Involve Taking Two Exercises And Doing Them Back To Back Without Rest.
    + Click To Enlarge.
    Supsersets Involve Taking Two Exercises And
    Doing Them Back To Back Without Rest.

      The objective is to do them back to back without rest or with as little rest as possible. The quicker, the better. We will use back this time for the same muscle group superset.

      It might look like this in a log:

      Now, let's do a superset with opposing muscle groups. The most popular is biceps and triceps. It might go like this.

      Arnold is famous for doing supersets while training for contests and guest appearances back in the 60's and 70's.

    RELATED VIDEO: Lifting Guides
    Superset Video Guide #1!

    Two exercises are performed consecutively without any rest.
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    4. Giant Sets

    RELATED VIDEO: Train Insane With Kane
    Episode #22: Non-Stop Shoulders And Back!

    Kane and training partner Ascent81 hit the gym with a mission to destroy their delts, then move on to back. Watch them hammer out huge giant sets including side laterals, upright rows, standing overhead presses and seated incline dumbbell presses before focusing on back with seated rows. This guy never slows down!
    Watch More From This Series Here.
       Find More Videos On This Topic.


    Although these are great for breaking through plateaus, you might need to change up your whole routine. If these methods don't work, try changing your training days up or change when you train what muscle. Anything like that can help you start making progress again.

    Do not give up though because that is the 100% sure fire way that you will never make progress again. If you need help getting through these plateaus mentally, come join my BodyGroup ROCKIVATION. All of the members have been through them and can help you too. Good luck.

    ROCKIVATION BodyGroup!
    Bodybuilding is a lifelong commitment that should be enjoyed. There are times that we just don't feel like walking that road and just need a kick in the ass. That is what this group will do. We will motivate the masses to reach their fitness destinies one step at a time.
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