Hi do most of you just train and train and bother about what muscle you are training on any given day? If you want to get the most out of you're weights training you must prioritize body parts and the times of day also the order of the body parts you train. I am using a 5-day training split at the moment but will give examples of others after the reasoning below.
You should try and train my favorite body part between back and chest first in my split, which is CHEST, then the second day I will train the opposite muscle, which is the BACK. See I do this for two reasons it gets the 2 heaviest and hardest workouts out of the way and also train them 2 after one another because they do not interact when you train the CHEST you will also get a good TRICEPS workout, and when you train the BACK your BICEPS will also get a decent pump. What I trying to say is train smart.
So that is day 1 and day 2 out of the way, next you don't have a have a range of choices, I suggest that you train legs, this is because your chest may still be sore and wouldn't want to train SHOULDERS on a sore CHEST and that your arms need a bit of recovery from the CHEST and BACK workouts. So in turn LEGS are good to give the entire upper body a rest.
Next I would ask you to train ARMS in turn the BICEPS and TRICEPS, in giving these muscles a rest from doing LEGS they will be fired up to go all out guns blazing, they will want you to set those puppies on fire. Alternate which muscle you train first from week to week as this will keep and even balance.
The final day of this five-day split is the SHOULDERS and TRAPS you will be able to smash them before a day or two off and a well-deserved rest which I think you would have earned. Train SHOULDERS to the extreme go heavy, add a few drop sets and away you go.
This way of training is good I also recommend that you pick a muscle and do it in the morning if you can get to a gym in the morning I suggest you choose your least favorite muscle for a couple of reasons, having to get up at an earlier hour makes you dislike the body part you are training thus you train harder and also if you had to get up in the morning your day can only get better and by getting your worst exercise out of the way will do that. I have tried this and it works a dream.
3-Day Split
- Day 1: Chest and Triceps
- Day 2: Back and Biceps
- Day 3: Shoulders and Legs
- Day 1: Chest and Biceps
- Day 2: Shoulders and Legs
- Day 3: Back and Triceps
4 Day
- Day 1: Chest and Triceps
- Day 2: Back and Biceps
- Day 3: Shoulders
- Day 4 -Legs
- Day 1 : Chest
- Day 2: Back and Triceps
- Day 3: Shoulders
- Day 4: Legs and Biceps
5 Day (my current split)
- Day 1: Chest
- Day 2: Back
- Day 3: Shoulders
- Day 4: Biceps and Triceps
- Day 5: Legs
6 Day
- Day 1: Chest
- Day 2: Back
- Day 3: Shoulders
- Day 4: Triceps
- Day 5: Legs
- Day 6: Biceps