Video Article: Brian Shaw's Top 5 Strongman Exercises YOU Can Do In The Gym!

Strongman training is functional as well intense. It tests your focus, determination and your manhood. Check out the top 5 events to take your training to another level.

Strongman training is functional as well intense-it tests your focus, your determination and your manhood in each and every event! Check out the top 5 events to take your training to another level-to move mountains and toss boulders-true strength!

5 Strongman Events

1 / Tire Flip

Tire Flip

The tire flip is an explosive movement that requires a triple extension of the hips, knees and ankles. Flip as many times as possible and use this as a finisher to any of your workouts.

2 / Farmer's Walk

The farmer's walk tests your functional strength in grip, upper back and core. The farmer's walk can also be performed with dumbbells.

3 / Overhead Press

Overhead Press

The overhead press in strongman can be tested in several different ways. You can use a log, axle, barbell or dumbbells. The overhead press is one of the best complete tests of strength.

4 / Sandbag Carry

Sandbags are one of the best tests for grip strength, arms and back power. This carry should be performed as fast as possible.

5 / Atlas Stone

The atlas stone is a good test of your quadriceps, core and manhood. Pull the weight tight into chest and drive through reps with your hips.