My Current Situation: Precontest Planning!

I appreciate all of the mail I get and do my very best to try to answer all of your questions in a timely manner. It's nice to know that there are actually people out there who admire what I do and some of my training aspects.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

Phano's face I appreciate all of the mail that I get, and do my very best to try to answer all of your questions in a timely manner. It's nice to know that there are actually people out there who admire what I do and some of my training aspects. I really do enjoy receiving e-mail from other avid lifters.

So don't be shy, and send in your questions! You can ask anyone that has e-mailed me that I've always had a response to every question. Also, I will update everyone on my current situation.

A Tempting Idea

Just a couple of days ago, a friend of mine ran an idea across me which was quite tempting. He thinks that I should compete in an upcoming SNBF contest on April 7th.

What Does SNBF Stand For?
Supernatural Bodybuilding & Fitness. Visit their official website for more information.

Yes, that would be less than 3 weeks away. So you guys are probably thinking to yourselves, a diet in three weeks?!? How is this possible? Well, my logic behind this one is that it's still relatively early in the year and no one likes to diet over the winter so I actually have a really good chance of pulling away with a win.

I'm also trying to make a publicity move for by competing under their name once again and advertising their logo. I've been on a strict diet for the last couple of days and I must say, I've nearly forgotten how much good food tastes. For some of the finer aspects of this "precontest planning", I enlisted the help of a couple of my older friends.

Good Advice

They informed me that I should keep everything the same and just tweak my diet to perfect for about 17 days and do a little cardio. I'm relatively lean now despite beginning the off-season.

I'll give this a whirl for about a week and see how it goes then. I will try to keep everyone posted on happenings but with school nearing an end, I'm being piled with an immense amount of work. The life of a student bodybuilder never ceases.

Until then, train hard, train smart, and keep those e-mails rolling in!

Best Wishes,

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7