Vital Stats
Name: Kara Finer
Before: 155 Lbs.
Height: 5'3"
After: 114 Lbs. on competition day
*At the start of my program I weighed 155 pounds on my petite 5-foot-3 frame. Five months later I lost 41 pounds and weighed in at 114 pounds on my competition day.
Why I Got Started
I was inspired by Monica Brant. I picked up Oxygen Magazine one day and was so amazed by the ladies' physiques. The fitness and figure pro competitors in this magazine looked athletic, strong and healthy. In most magazines these days you see celebrities that have gotten way too thin.
I strongly believe that by feeding into these magazines and celebrities only results in creating your own psychological issues with your own body in the end. Focusing on a strong, healthy body is much more realistic.
To make a long story short, I had always obtained a fit physique remaining around 134 pounds until July of 2004. This was a point in my life where I packed on 21 pounds putting me at the 155-pound mark on my petite 5-foot-3 frame. I hit rock bottom.
In January of 2005, I set a goal for myself, to compete in a figure competition. This was something I had always dreamed about doing. With little time on my hands (the competition was in June, 2005) I needed to change my mind set and get serious. Through hard work, motivation, and dedication I actually made it happen. My body went through drastic transformations and was contest ready by June!
How I Did It
I was told there was no way I could get my body "contest ready" in such a small amount of time. I proved to myself that it is possible to conquer anything that you put your mind to. If you believe you can accomplish something, it can be accomplished.
I began to eat six small meals per day spaced 2-3 hours apart to keep my blood sugar levels steady and energy levels at a peak. My diet consisted of:
- chicken
- turkey
- egg whites
- whey protein
- oats
- alvarado bread
- sweet potatoes
- olive oil
- natural peanut butter
- plenty of fruits and vegetables
I also drank at least one gallon of water daily. I have to acknowledge and thank Chris Cianciulli, an NPC competitor and team Prolab athlete for his knowledge and guidance in this aspect of my program. Chris Cianciulli along with my boyfriend Chris Tuttle who is a certified personal trainer, guided me through the training aspect of my program.
I never believed I would be where I am today. I always dreamed of competing but never actually believed it would become a reality for me. The feeling of being up there on stage with all of the other competitors was completely insane. It was the best feeling I have ever felt in my whole entire life!
Since my first competition in June 2005, I have worked with Kim Oddo and placed first at the INBF Long Island Experience on September 16th 2006, Fourth at the INBF Beyond Nutrition Naturalmania on September 23rd 2006, and Fourth at the NPC Gold's Gym Classic on October 21st 2006.
My goal for next year is to become a fitness competitor. Fitness competitors have always amazed and inspired me. I feel this will be the ultimate challenge for me and reaching this goal is the next step that I need to take for myself. The training is going to be difficult but I am up for the challenge!
I take a multivitamin daily along with Omega 3 Fish oil, Vitamin C, Calcium, and L - glutamine. I also supplement with Revolutionary Technology Bionic Edge vanilla protein bar mix and whey protein.
Sample Week Of Diet
Meal 1:
- 1/4 cup Quaker oats
- 1 Tbs raisins
- 1 oz apple
- 1 tsp peanut butter
Meal 2:
- 3 oz chicken breast
- 2.5 oz sweet potato
- 1 cup asparagus
Meal 3:
- 3 oz chicken breast
- 1 piece avarado bread
- lettuce / tomato / mushrooms
Meal 4:
- 1/4 cup Quaker oats
- 2 Tbs raisins
- 2 oz banana
- 1 scoop whey protein
Meal 5:
- 3 oz chicken breast
- 1.5 oz mushrooms
- 1/2 cup onions
- 1/2 cup peppers
- 2 tsp olive oil
Sample Week Of Training
- Day 1 - Shoulders / Chest / Abs
- Day 2 - Back / Arms / Calves
- Day 3 - OFF
- Day 4 - Legs / Abs
- Day 5 - OFF
Cardio is performed four days per week between 30 - 45 minutes ( Off season).
3 sets for each exercise and about 12 - 15 reps each depending on the body part that I am training. Each set performed is to failure.
Suggestions For Others
Be the best that you can possibly be. Be Patient - Transformations and lifestyle changes take time before they become a habit. There are no quick fixes and you can not expect to transform your body overnight. There are going to be plenty of times when you struggle, but you need to take it day by day.
When there are days that you do not feel your ultimate best, remember that tomorrow is a brand new day. I have learned that you can not be perfect all of the time however you need to learn coping mechanisms to prevent the same type of behavior or actions from repeating itself the next day.
I have also learned that you need to have a solid support system. If there are individuals in your life that hold you back from your goals, you need to stand your ground. I have seen many individuals fall short of their goals due to lack of an unsupportive environment.
Get up when you fall down and never give up on your journey to success. I want individuals to realize that they can transform their lives through diet and exercise ... and that changing lifestyle habits can be done no matter what.
Patience pays.
Kara Nicole Finer