Action Star Dolph Lundgren Explains Realities Of Training & Hollywood (Part 2)!

Women drooled over his razor jaw line and serrated abs. Dolph explains training under a constantly changing schedule, life in Spain, and more. I introduce to you part 2 of our in-depth exclusive interview with Dolph Lundgren.

Dolph Interview Part 2

[ Q ] Can you map out a typical day regarding training for Dolph Lundgren?

[ A ] The problem in my business is that there is no typical day. I travel a lot, and when I am filming, I am on a schedule. When I'm not filming I am on a different schedule.

Basically what I do is drink a mixture I put together every morning, before breakfast, to get my body started. I then train before breakfast because that way I get it out of the way. It seems to hit your body harder to train that early too and it reduces the appetite for the rest of the day which enables you to stay leaner.

Another reason I do this is because when I am filming I have to be at the set at 6 a.m. and I can't train after breakfast. The only time I train after breakfast is if I do some heavy lifting, normally around 10 or 11 a.m., depending on my work. Basically I always try to finish my training in the morning.

[ Q ] So what do you use in terms of supplements right now?

[ A ] I use whey protein similar to what I just drank after this workout (Dolph is sipping on a protein shake as we speak). Apple cider vinegar is something I really like and use a lot. Another important supplement for me is Glucosamine for the joints and of course vitamin C.

Because of my travel schedule and the stress I'm under when working I also take a lot of Echinacea. Other than that I try to eat regular food as much as possible. I do take some other supplements occasionally but not as much as I used to.

[ Q ] And for all our visitors and your fans that want to have a physique like yours, can you give them some good advice.

[ A ] It is about making priorities in life. Our life in this modern society becomes more and more complicated. There are so many computers, so many aids, televisions, video games, fast food and drive-through's. You just sit all day long and your body dies.

If you can devote an hour or so of your 24 hours to do some kind of training then I think it is definitely worth it. You can then enjoy the other 23 hours so much better. It is all about setting priorities in life.

I also think it is important to get up early in the morning and get busy because that seems to pay off later during the day. Your metabolism kicks in and it keeps burning all day and helps you to stay lean, energized and confident.

[ Q ] I understand that you have detailed all of your physique secrets and experiences in an upcoming book. Can you tell us what fans can expect in your book and what your philosophies are for people wanting to achieve their health, fitness and appearance goals?

[ A ] I have been working on this book for many years now. Unfortunately I have never had time to finish it. But it is a book about supplementation and training. Once I get a break and some time to focus on other things than movies then I will try to finish it. The longer it takes the longer it will motivate me to stay young and fit since I am going to be in the book photos. (Laughs)

[ Q ] Where do you live now?

[ A ] I live in Marbella which is in the southern part of Spain. My wife and I didn't want our two kids to grow up in Hollywood. We met in New York and moved to LA but when we had our first daughter 12 years ago, we moved to New York, London and then after that we ended up in Marbella, Spain.

My wife wanted to get back to Europe with the kids. I like working in LA and always enjoy coming back to visit but I think it is good for our daughters to grow up in a small town instead of a big city. So the decision to move to Europe came easy for us both.

[ Q ] Do you find it harder to eat clean in Europe in comparison to the USA?

[ A ] Yes, sometimes. People in Spain have a lot of fried food and eat very late at night. This doesn't really effect me though since the kids have to get up early in mornings and we have other routines than most people in Spain.

I think some things are better in the US and some are better in Spain. In the US there is more health food and supplements, and people are more conscious of what they eat but in Europe they often have better or fresher food and vegetables. I guess one of the reasons is because it is such a small country and the food does not have to travel as far as in the US.

In the US they have to ship bulk amounts so far to make it cost effective for the producers and the companies which result in poor quality of the food. There are a lot of food markets with fresh food in all cities in Europe which is not so common in US.

[ Q ] Do you think bodybuilding has a contributing factor on discipline to achieve goals in other aspects of a person's life? The reason I ask is because people like yourself, Arnold and Stallone have become extremely successful in other areas of your professional life, but rarely do you see this happening with sprinters, golfers or race car drivers etc?

[ A ] Yes definitely. Physical training is great for all areas of life such as family life and your professional life. There is certainly a number of actors from back in the 80's, like Stallone, Arnold, Jean Claude Van Damme and myself that have been involved with sports and then moved on to show business.

There are fewer now than in the past that succeed, I don't know why, but the sports give you a certain discipline.

Years ago most men had to go to military services or military schools. It's not that common these days but I think it is a good thing since it gives you a certain respect and discipline, and they teach you how to take care of yourself which is very important because you will benefit from it regardless of what you choose to do later in life.

Sports can do the same thing. Bodybuilding makes you more disciplined than other sports because we live it 24/7 and have to plan all our food and training. Outside the gym, you will use the same discipline and organization for you professional life as second nature to your training.

[ Q ] I understand that you have been engrossed within your martial arts roots for the past several years. Have you been competing yourself, or only managing other fighters?

[ A ] I was competing a lot when I was younger and won some titles. Now I am more involved in it as a trainer, right now I am working with the Spanish Kyokushin Federation. I have also done karate exhibitions at three world tournaments on other occasions.

[ Q ] Do you follow MMA/UFC?

[ A ] Yes I do. I was invited to the TV-show "Inside the MMA" for HD Net hosted by Bus Rutten a few months ago, Kimbo was there too as a guest. He is a big black street fighter and a really nice guy.

It's a fun sport and I used to fight like that before; a lot of full contact fighting. My sparring partner in Bulgaria is a MMA fighter and is teaching me some moves and punches. I am excited about the sport and I try to go to fights in Las Vegas whenever I can.

People want to see more true action, more real fighting and less green screen action in movies. I think they are a bit tired of all computer effects and want more reality fights and blood. MMA/UFC is really exciting and fun and I think this sport is going to stay with us for long time.

[ Q ] Did Kimbo challenge you?

[ A ] (Laughs) No, no! He was a pretty humble and shy guy.

[ Q ] Do you have any aspirations to compete within the cage?

[ A ] (Laughs) It depends how much you pay me. (Laughs)

[ Q ] Good answer! And now back to the boxing, since that is what people associate you with. Have you done any boxing after the Rocky IV movie?

[ A ] I did a fight last year in Moscow, an exhibition fight in a reality show called The King of the Ring. They have actors come up and fight each other. The Russians were pretty tough. There was a lot of blood and a big mess because some of them knew how to fight and some of them didn't.

I did a 6 round exhibition fight against Oleg Katarov. He is a MMA fighter but he used to be a wrestler and boxer. It was pretty tough since I hadn't been in a ring in front of 5000 spectators. It is a different mentality there with high energy. It was a good experience though.

[ Q ] What are your future plans from here on?

[ A ] I am preparing a picture now that I am directing and we are shooting in Bulgaria and Moscow. It is called Command Performance.

I play the drummer in this rock band and there is a big concert in Moscow for the Russian president. There is this American, a Beyonce character (her name is Venus in the script), and she has a big concert where the president comes with his two daughters. Some bad guys take over the arena and take them hostage.

I get to run around and shoot the bad guys like in the Die Hard movies. It will probably be finished next summer so my plans right now is to be involved in this movie for the next two and a half months.

I was invited to London to do an MMA fight, and then my friend had his sixth Dan in Karate coming up in Madrid but since I got stuck doing this movie it made me decide to stay in Bulgaria and Moscow to just work with the filming.

[ Q ] Do you train differently when you are filming compared to when you are off the movie set?

[ A ] Yes. When you do a lot of filming it is a very tough schedule and you better watch out so you don't lose weight and get thinner. When I am filming I train with heavier weights and fewer reps. I do more squats, deadlifts and clean and jerks.

The workout is based on more basic training and compound movements. The duration for the workouts get shorter, about 45-60 minutes because this will help me put on much more muscle. At the moment I am doing a lot more sparring. I can do one hour of different karate styles with pads and that keeps me much thinner and leaner.

[ Q ] I think we have covered almost all areas now and are about to wrap up this interview. Is there anything else you would like to reveal or share with us and your fans out there that I might not have covered?

[ A ] No, I think that is all I have for now. It has been a pleasure and I hope we can do this soon again. And most of all I hope you all go and watch my new movie.

Part 1 | Part 2 \